Spin - Part 3

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Tejo had understood in the first week of knowing the leaders of Swatan that they were nothing like the teachers or elders of Ambaramanila. They weren't the same as any of the loud-mouthed and fun seeking but combative people of Jevadhi. Leader Gunshi was as kind as the first rain of monsoon, always repaying a smile with his own and never hesitating from helping any of the students any time he came by. He was smart too, his wide-set eyes sparkling with interest whenever someone asked him a question about anything in academics. She wasn't particularly sure how he knew all the things he did but Matamahim held his opinion as valuable too so she was sure that he must have had some worthy experience.

She was a little confused about what Leader Oorja was thinking half the time he came by, but it was a rare occurrence in itself so she didn't try to dig too deep into him. His rolling chair, or wheelchair as Hasya constantly corrected her, slipped through the corridors of the place always with a set destination in mind and he didn't pause to greet most people without cause. He was brave though, Tejo knew that from the approval shining in Matamahim's face whenever he spoke quietly about something important.

Her favourite though, was always Saanjh. In the beginning she had wondered why people were insistent on that name instead of what she had once heard from her parents, but the story had come out in between classes and open whispers. Tejo had met Saanjh well into her second month at Ambaramanila but she could still remember the way the defense class had gone. Saanjh didn't interfere in the classes much, unless specifically suggested by the teachers, but the students always looked forward to the days when it happened.

Tejo hadn't seen anybody as cool as Saanjh, if anybody bothered asking her. The fact that she didn't have to call her 'Leader Saanjh' and was allowed to drag her around for mini adventures only sealed that fact.

Now, watching Saanjh walk through the gate of Ambaramanila with an oddly placed arrow in her hair-bun, Tejo was hit by two questions: Did Saanjh know that she had an arrow in her hair and why didn't Tejo think of this idea before?

"Is anyone hurt?" Hasya asked as she came scrambling out of the healer's chambers, her skirt tangling between her ankles.

"We're fine," Leader Gunshi replied with that polite smile that adults didn't often grace bumbling students with, "Were there any other casualties?"

"Two, but they're being treated now," Tejo spoke up, eyes shifting towards the strangers coming behind him, "We didn't get instruction to prepare for guests, Leader Gunshi."

"But we can handle it," Hasya said, with a pointed look at Tejo before offering a respectful greeting to the strangers, "I'll inform the quarters matron immediately, please freshen up while we arrange for everything necessary."

"You don't even know us and you're sure we're guests?" the one with a bow slung over her shoulder asked, her eyes judging Hasya with a curious half-quirk of her lips.

"You're - not?" Hasya faltered and Tejo saw her smile drop awkwardly.

"Nobody said we are," the archer commented with a dark brow rising expectantly.

Leader Gunshi let them talk when Matamahim entered, following her as she began asking him questions in a quiet tone.

"Well?" the archer prompted and Tejo turned away from watching the leaving elders, seeing their non-guest stare back at them with an ease of a rogue in the way her feet were resting.

"If you were dangerous, you wouldn't be standing here freely," Tejo said, ignoring the sound from her friend as she stared down the entrant, "If you didn't want to be a guest, you wouldn't have followed Leader Gunshi either."

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