Cumming on Combs

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I still down the pole gently, landing into a perfect split. It was a Saturday so the club was packed, not to mention that move always made the dollas flow.

"Give it up for your favorite, Passion"

That was me. Lenae by day, Passion by night. Although I was one of the top girls in this club, I haven't been here long and I definitely done plan on staying too much longer, but bills had to be paid.

With just one more semester of college left, I'll soon be a registered nurse. My dream.

I won't down the club because it helped me pay for school on top of my bills, I just knew this wasn't something I would wanna do long term.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I collected the rest of my money and proceeded to walk to the dressing room.

What he thing about this job, you realized bitches really stink. The dressing room always smelled like ass. I don't know if it's from the fact that they don't wash their ass, or the fact that they be fucking any nigga wit some money in these private rooms.

That's one thing I did pride myself on, a nigga who came in this club wit some money couldn't just talk me out of my panties. I love money but it doesn't live me in that way. I'm a woman first.

It really didn't even matter tho, cause soon as a nigga heard  I was a stripper, they automatically assumed I was a hoe. It bothered me somewhat but men weren't my focus, my degree was.

As I began to walk through the stankin ass dressing room, i had my nose turned up. Not because I thought I was better, because we needed some Lysol.

Sitting down at my vanity, I begin to touch of my makeup. Trilla, the owner of the club told all of us earlier there was gonna be some ballers who was coming through so we had to stay dolled up all night. I usually left around this time cause it was usually just drunk old men begging, but once he said ballers I stayed cause I needed the money.

Deciding to change my outfit to something more sensual but not revealing, I opted for this two piece red set with red fishnets and clear heels.

I already knew I was gonna stay back here till I heard they were here cause I really wasn't feeling it I just wanted to get this cash and go. I guess it was taking too long because I ended up taking a power nap.

I then wake up to the tap of Daisy, a pretty white girl with a fat ass

"P their here, Trilla said get yo ass up to vip"

I rolled my eyes as I popped a listerine strip and proceeded to vip.

I knew he said it was gonna be ballers but damn. These niggas was born for money. From the Simmons brothers down to Snoop Dog's sons, they were everywhere. My knees got weak when I seen the one I had a crush on when he appeared on my super sweet sixteen, Justin Combs.

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