Chapter 1

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I was woken up by my alarm clock that sat on my desk at 6:30 AM just as I had set it the night before. I quickly shut it off so it does not wake up my parents because they can be... slightly aggressive if I do. I grab out my favorite clothes from my closet, a (F/C) (Favorite Color) shirt, black pants, black light jacket, and grey shoes while lastly putting on my blindfold.

The blindfold was because I didn't have any eyes. I was born with a rare medical condition that caused me not to have them. But unlike people assumed, I could actually see.

I just didn't see the same way as everyone else. I saw from a 3rd person view, from behind my head. But because of the gaping holes in my face, when I cried, I cried blood instead of tears. It made it so my once white blindfold, is now a deep scarlet color with a strong metallic scent.

I ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a pop-tart and put it into the toaster. I grabbed everything I needed for school while I waited and heard my parent's alarm go off upstairs.

The toaster popped then I swiped the pop-tart out of it. I sat at the table and started to eat it as I heard the stairs creek then footsteps coming towards me.

"Oh I see that SOMEONE'S up." My father yelled. He is an average height but has pretty wide shoulders. He has little hair on the top of his head which he combed over to try to 'cover' the majority of it.

My mother came storming downstairs. With her blonde hair falling in clumps down to her hips. She had wide hips and a slim waist, according to her it's the 'perfect look'.

"Grab your crap we're leaving." She said grabbing her purse.

I reached for my backpack as I finished my pop-tart and walked out of the door. I sat down in the passenger seat of the car and buckled my seatbelt. Then my mother got in and started the engine. She then mumbled something to herself I couldn't understand.

She drove me to school and dropped me off where she normally does. I waved to her, noticing how even after 13 years, she's still surprised I know where she is to wave to her.

Today was pretty boring, I didn't get any homework from my first 3 classes and during my last 3, we had an assembly so we didn't do anything.

After the last bell rang I went to the pick-up station and waited for my mom. When she pulled up I noticed something odd, my father was in the driver's seat with my mother in the passenger side. I waved to them, getting no response and sat in the back. They started to drive out of the parking lot but I noticed they turned the wrong way out.

"You turned the wrong way normally we go left." I said to them.

"Just shut up and sit there (Y/N)." My father snapped at me.

Just then I noticed some of my clothes were in my backpack next to me and my favorite items were in there too. I was curious but I decided to listen to my father's warning.

I looked out of the window, seeing the city disappear and start changing into rolling hills and an abundance of trees. I hadn't been to the woods in a while, I've only been when I was camping with my cousin Shane. Maybe mother and father are taking me camping. I thought as I got my hopes up.

My mother then turned around and grabbed the backpack with my things in it and held them on her lap. My father then turned up onto a dirt road as a mansion went into view.

My mother handed the backpack to my father as he parked outside of the gate. And he chucked it out of his window! I ran out of the car and picked it up, but as I turned to the car my parents were already pulling out.

I slumped onto my knees as blood began to drip from my empty eye sockets.

"I'm so stupid. Of course they wanted to get rid of me. I'm awful and I'm a monster." I said pushing myself up, seeing a metal plate on the gate.

I wiped the dust off of the sign with my sleeve.

"Raspy Hill...?"

A/N: Hey, so this is my first story and I wanted some feedback on how I did. I wanted to get a Host x Child!Reader story and finish it. I also plan on having longer chapters to get through more story. And by the way, I have no schedule but I will try to upload as much as possible. (And eventually I want to do some G/T stuff with the Ipliers and Reader)

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