Chapter 1

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Undertaker's Pov.

I sensed that one of my friends were arriving to my little,dark shop so I hid in one of my finest caskets so I could jump them preparing my lines so I could try to scare him this time finally maybe I'll even surprise him with a hug!

He enters my parlour distressed judging by the sounds of his footsteps.
"CIEL!" I yell out as I attempt  to hug him but he simply moves to the side as I end up tackling whom I'm guessing is a new servant ,as I never seen him before even when I  visited the manor, as we collide with my oak floor. "This isn't the time for games Undertaker! This new killer has been giving clear clues where there next attack will be but it always ends up being too late even if you get there the day before you'll  discover a massacre yet the victims never show signs of struggle and there is not one sign of a drug being used!" The young soon-to-be demon yelled and ranted at me. I blocked out his noise as I decide to adress the servant I have helplessly beneath me as his body lays still begging me not to move as our hips were touching  as if they were begging to collide and rub against each other.

"My Ciel you've acquired quite the attractive servant~" I say disrupting his long ranting as he then looks at me with confusion as to why I'm focusing on his servant instead of telling him one thing the victims had in common.
"Sadly as much as I would like to admire his (e/c) eyes and wonderfully soft (h/l) (h/c) hair,I do know what connects all of the victims other than pieces of their flesh being used to create a mosaic in the form of a eel." I mutter out  angrily as I can't  give my guest a warm surprise( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) with Ciel present.
"Well?! What is it?!" Ciel frantically cried out making me reply with a bored tone saying "They were all hypnotized by a deadly sub species of siren" I then looked deep into my guest's eyes in a seductive manner but let them know that I knew they were the same species as the killer. His eye diverted from mine attempting to hide his red dusted face of embarrassment." Undertaker stop trying to flirt with (Y/N) your distracting him from aiding on this case that the queen ordered me to not bring Sebastian in and he's the second smartest of servants so I won't even think of handing him to you." Ciel said as he decided emphasize how much he's confused by banging his head on my counter.
"B-Be careful sir as you will hurt yourself like that so please stop" (Y/N) stated from underneath me. I carefully detached myself from the little siren so that I could not only take out a list of all the things that the victims had in common but lift little precious (Y/N) up from my floor.

Y/N pov.
Oh thank the gods that we're no longer in that position as I don't think I wouldn't last another minute without having the sudden urge to breed. Dammit why did master's friend have to be a bit perverted but it was pleasing when I felt his hot breath on my neck.
Maybe master will let him join our group incase we need his expertise further along the way.
"Hey mast-" I spoke out when a sickening cry called out from the other side of the town.

Welp this is the first chapter so I hope ya'll like it.
Until next time bye!!!!

Ocean queen(Undertaker x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now