(Prologue) Upon One Shore

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Wanfeng wiggled his toes, enjoying the feel of the breeze between them. It was a rare treat for him to be able to go barefoot when in his human form. Back at the Sky Palace he always had to wear his slippers or shoes.

He paused to sniff the air, something he couldn't help doing all morning. The peaty scent of the Jing River's banks combined with the lush earthen smells of the grass and surrounding forest made him smile. But then he turned his head sharply with an inward growl. There was a rabbit close by. It was a scent he'd recently learned to recognize. But he couldn't shift into his dragon and go play chase with it right now. He was busy.

Pushing back the ends of his dark ponytail the breeze lifted over his shoulders into his face, he resumed concentrating on the colourful blocks stacked before him.

The tower he was trying to build wasn't working out the way he wanted but he was determined to fix it. He studied then adjusted several blocks until his wrist slipped and knocked into one, demolishing the structure with a clatter.

"Shh, my clever dragon. You'll wake the baby fox."

Wanfeng wrinkled his nose as he looked over to his mother, who reclined on a quilt with her friend the Woodland Queen, to the wicker basket resting on the ground nearby.

From where he sat, all Wanfeng could see of the basket's interior were bundled folds of blanket, and a glint of silver.

"Silver fox, mama?"

The Woodland King drew his long stemmed pipe from his lips and laughed. The sunlight filtering down through the oak tree the man sat against cast his wild forelocks and broad leather-clad shoulders in dappled light of soft green and gold.

"No, young dragon. My little Xia is a white nine-tailed, like her beautiful mother." The king blew a kiss toward his queen who blushed, a shy smile playing upon her lips. He then leaned toward Wanfeng and lowered his voice to a near whisper, as if sharing a secret.

"The silver you see is the name bracelet I made. The bracelet holds a spell that projects the moon floating across the stars to soothe Xia back to sleep if she wakes upset at night. What do you think, Prince Wanfeng?" The king winked at him. "I'm a very clever papa nine-tail, am I not?" He straightened and spoke with a normal voice again. "My queen and the Sky Dragon Empress greatly admire my ingenuity, don't they."

Both the Woodland Queen and Wanfeng's mother rolled their eyes and shook their heads, laughing.

Wanfeng looked back at the basket.

He'd barely taken notice of it when his mother first sat him down on his mat with his toys, but now his curiosity was piqued. He'd never seen a white fox before.

Standing up with a bit of a wobble, he tugged the crinkled hem of his tunic over his knees and padded across the plush grass to the basket. Once there, he turned to his mother who smiled at him and nodded. All three grownups were smiling actually.

Wanfeng curled his fingers over a wickered edge and peered inside.

He huffed. Nestled among the folds of blanket was a small human face, the forehead of which was crowned with soft tufts of hair. Brown hair. There was no white fox to see.

Though disappointed, Wanfeng nonetheless studied the sleeping baby girl.

Her cheeks were flushed and little bubbles clung to a corner of her mouth. The baby's hand was curled beside her ear and he glimpsed the narrow silver bracelet about her wrist. There was a character etched on the band. When Wanfeng leaned forward for a closer inspection, his motion rocked the basket. Tiny eyelids opened and Wanfeng jerked his head back. The baby began to whimper.

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