Chapter 1 - New People

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~Violet P.O.V~

I walked onto the Hogwarts Express for the eleventh time. I went to the compartment I have for the last five years, first car, last compartment on the right. I opened the door, Smudge purring like a radiator to see his favorite friends. Except I was greeted by three very different people. First, Garret, he's a hufflepuff too! A permanent scowl on his face and is always buried in a book of some kind, he's a bit mean but I think he has a soft side.
      Second, Maxine otherwise known as Max. She's a ravenclaw and is the star seeker of her quidditch team, unlike her grades. She's still really nice... and pretty.
      Last but definitely not least, Des. Which I think is short for Desdemona? She's in Gryffindor, a little quiet and honestly adorable! She's confident when you get to know her though.
"Violet, right? You can sit with us if you want to. I don't mind, Max doesn't mind, Garret... may or may not mind, but he probably won't look up from his book or even hear our conversation." Des greeted me.
     "If that's fine with you guys, this is Smudge if you haven't seen him wandering the halls." I laughed to myself. I sat down next to Des as Smudge hopped onto the table, walking over to Garret and sat in front of him to watch him read.
"Oh! So that was your cat running around the building!" Max exclaimed. Speaking of my cat, he was now sniffing Garret's book. Smudge pawed at it as Garret finished turning the page. Garret did something I didn't think he was capable of. He looked up from his book and just stared at Smudge.
     "Alright, whose cat is-" Garret saw me. "Oh, it's you. This is your cat right?" I nodded. He looked down at Smudge, who now had his hind legs resting on the top of Garret's book and his front paws on Garret's lap. He sighed, "look cat, I appreciate it but," Garret picked Smudge up. Wrong move. Smudge dug his claws into Garret's arm. "Ow! You dumb cat, let go!" I giggled a little before grabbing Smudge off of Garret.
    "Sorry. Smudge doesn't really like being picked up." I told him.
    "We can tell!" Max giggled.
     "Is your arm okay, though?" Des asked Garret. He nodded.
   "His claws aren't that sharp, when he scratches you it won't bleed most likely, it'll just hurt." I informed them. I grabbed Garret's 'injured' arm. He tried to pull it back but my grip isn't that easy to break. His shirt wasn't torn which probably means Smudge scratched through it. Using one of my hands to hold his wrist down I used the other hand to roll his sleeve up. The scratches weren't too bad. He started fidgeting. "Stop fidgeting!" I half-yelled.
"I would if you told me why the hell you grabbed my arm!" He fired back.
"I wouldn't recommend fighting in the train car..." Des remarked. After she spoke I let Garret's arm down. Speaking of Des, I just noticed her pins. There's a rainbow heart, Deadpool, and the last one was "chew on a sock". Why? I don't know, it's her choice of what pins she has and what she does.
       I looked over to Max and Garret, on their side of the table. Surprise, surprise, Garret was reading and Max was staring out the window lost in thought. I tried starting up a conversation with Des so I'd get at least a little bit of social interaction, it worked. She's really funny and likes a lot of fan bases I do! Of course, out of nowhere, Smudge mewed loudly. Max nearly jumped out of her seat and let out a short scream, Garret looked up again, two rare occasions in one day. Des just looked at him like she had no idea a cat his size could meow that loud. We looked at each other and just started laughing. By we I mean Max, Des, and I. Garret couldn't care less. Later we're greeted by our lovely trolley lady and her sweets, "We've arrived darlings."

~| Time Skip to the Sorting/First Meal |~

~Quinn P.O.V~

     "Irk! Charolette! I found Violet!" I told them as our friend came into view.
     "Thank god... for a minute I thought she wasn't gonna be here this year..." Irk muttered under his breath. Was he really that scared that Violet wouldn't show up? Sure, she's late a lot and not too street smart but she wouldn't let herself be a no-show. Especially with her best friend, me, her possible crush, Irk, and her sassy support beacon, Charolette, waiting for her. Well, let's get our sixth year started!

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