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Marinette's POV

"Oh Tikki. What do I do now?" I ask my kwami while walking home from Andre's Ice Cream cart. "Well Marinette, you and Luka seemed to be enjoying yourselves earlier, and he did help calm you down." Spending time with Luka was nice, and I felt at peace being with him. "Tikki, I cried on his shoulder over Adrien though, he knew from the beginning how I felt about Adrien yet he said those sweet things to me after he was akumitized, we agreed that was a declaration of love right? But if that were the case would he still feel the same way after all of this? After I stained his shirt with my tears over another guy."

I walk through the bakery in silence, my parents are out running errands so I can think to myself. "Marinette?" Tikki's voice is soft and low as she watches me go up to my room. Sigh. "Yes Tiki?" she flew out of my purse and hovers in front of me with a sincere smile on her cute red face. "I believe Luka's feelings for you are stronger than you think. He confessed back then yes, but he did stick by you after you saw Adrien and Kagami together, he wrote you a song too Marinette. If that isn't a sign of love then I don't know what is. The question is, do you have feelings for him?"

Thinking long and hard before answering, I stare the miracle box I have hidden under my bed. Not the best place to hide such powerful objects. "To be honest Tiki, thinking back to when I first met Luka, there was this feeling stirring inside me. I wasn't sure what it was because I was so focused on my love for Adrien, but now, now that I can think more clearly, I have my answer. Yes, I do have feelings for him. He is such an amazing, talented, sweet and caring person. He makes my heart race, I do stutter around him sometimes, not like with Adrien, but something about Luka keeps me calm. Well accept for when we went ice skating, I was such a klutz, and I was more focused on Adrien. And the best part I can be myself around Luka and speak perfectly fine, and we have so much in common. I think I l-love him."

My eyes dart toward Tiki giggling to herself, "What? What are you laughing at?" I walk over to my bed and crawl on it. "Oh Marinette I think you figured out what to do next. Talk to Luka." I let myself fall flat on my bed as I feel weight lifting off my shoulders, I let my eyelids close for a bit, just so I can let everything sink in. Soon after I fall into a deep sleep, I only knew because I can feel something brushing by my ear and a small sounds trying to break through my subconsciousness.

"Marinette! Wake up! You have to wake up." My eyes fly open and the first thing I see is my little kwami staring at me. "Oh, I fell asleep. Oops. I'm sorry Tikki, what's going on?" I sit up and reach for my phone and my eyes widen. Three unread messages and 1 missed phone call from Luka, and fifteen unread messages and 20 missed calls from Alya. "Oh no, why so many notifications! What happened? Was there another akuma?" I jump out bed and get ready to transform into Ladybug. "No, no. Marinette there isn't another akuma. I was waking you up because Alya is outside and she looks very determined." Tiki flies straight to my window and I follow right behind her. She's right Alya is walking pretty quick to the door, she doesn't look too happy. I wonder what's going on. I open my phone too see the messages she sent. My heart dropped, this is about Adrien and Kagami, Alya saw them together.

"H-heeey Alya. What's up? Isn't today such a nice day?" I can't help but by nervous about what's coming next. Alya crawls her way up the ladder to my room and squints her eyes at me. "Girl, what's going on? I just saw....what happened? Are you okay girl? I know you know what I'm talking about. You saw the messages I know it." Even though I cried so much on Luka the tears just started flowing out all over again, Alya came rushing and wrapped her arms around me. "It's okay Mari, talk to me girl. I'm here for you." After a good hour or so I stopped crying and was only slightly whimpering. "And that's it. That's why you saw me sitting with Luka when we all had ice cream and why Adrien was wit- well yeah." Alya stays quiet and just pats my hair. "I'm so sorry Marinette, I wish this didn't happen to you. I'll give Adrien a good talking to if you want."

"N-no no. It's okay Alya. It's not his fault, he didn't know how I felt about him, so he didn't intentionally break my h-heart." I suddenly hiccuped at the end of my sentence. "Beside, if none of this would have happened, I never would have realized that I have strong feelings for someone else." I whisper half hoping she didn't hear me. It almost look like Alya's ears perked up to that knowledge. "No way girl! For real? Gimme details now." She plops herself and my bed and rest her palm on her chin and waits. I can't help but giggle at my goofy friend.

"MARINETTE!! Why didn't you tell me about this before!? This is best friend need to know information! How could you not have told me that Luka confessed he loves you!?" Well that is not what I was expecting but alright then. "I don't know. I guess I wasn't a hundred percent sure if that's what it was." Alya stands up and puts her hands on her hips and raises an eyebrow. "Nah uh girl, with that kind of poem, that was an obvious love confession, you're almost as clueless as Adr-.....sorry." She lowers her voice and looks at the floor. I rest my hand on her shoulder to assure her that she didn't hurt my feelings, I need to get over him anyways. "It's okay Alya, you can say his name. I'm going to have to deal with it, we do go to the same school and all. I'll have to get over him sooner or later. Besides he seems happy with Kagami, and that's all I want for the both of them, is to be happy." I can see the change in my friends eyes, turning from sadness, to admiration, to sympathetic and then to understanding. "Wow Mari, I'm so proud of you! You are such a strong person! Gosh you're like our everyday Ladybug."

Luka's POV

Even though I said my goodbye's to Marinette by Andre's cart, I can't help but watch over her. She's hurting it and trying to hide it from me and I wish she didn't, she's too special to be sad at all.  Just thinking about someone hurting my precious melody makes my blood boil, but I can't let that get to me, need to keep calm. If I want her to open up to me, if I want to be able to help her through this, I need to have a clear mind. I start to walk past everyone to get home and look over to see Adrien and that girl he brought over that one day, smiling and sharing ice cream. Adrien looks happy, he's my friend and I want nothing more for him then to be happy, but knowing he's the reason behind Marinette's pain bothers me. How can he not see how amazing she is, or can't he see how much he hurt her. Doesn't matter, I'm going to protect Mari from now on, be her rock if she let's me.

 Doesn't matter, I'm going to protect Mari from now on, be her rock if she let's me

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Mindless I walk the streets of Paris, not having a real destination to get to. Marinette. You are running through my mind like a beautiful song that needs to be heard by the world. By the time I realize it I'm in the park by her house. Would it be too straight forward of me to check up on her? I did just see her over an hour ago. No, I should give her space to be alone. I'll just message her instead. I stop and sit on the park bench next to the carousal and begin my message. I don't expect a reply from her anytime soon. I pull my guitar onto my lap and start playing her song, I want her song to be as beautiful and be worthy of her essence. What felt like minutes of playing soon come to an end due to my phone ringing.

Looking at the screen I can see it's Juleka calling me, and looking at the time I understand why,

"Hey Jules. Yeah I'll head home now. Ha yeah got lost in a song. Tell mom I'll be home soon." I hang up the call but don't close it. One more message to Marinette and I'll call it a night. Once I put my phone I get up to head home. Something in the distance caught my attention, it's Alya. I feel my eyebrows raise from her expression, she looks so focused, I don't think she sees me. Looks like she's making a bee line straight for Marinette. I better leave before anything happens, looks like a girl talk is about to happen.

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