Merry Halloween!

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"A-Ah! The window frame is...!" Japan panics. (Y/N)'s cheeks grow crimson as she sinks into the water so only her eyes can be seen, the tips of her ears tinted a light red as Pookie floats in front of her with an absent minded meow~

'Why do these things have to happen to me...?!'
Moments later, Japan watches with irritated huffs as America replaces the wooden window frame of the bathhouse, a seemingly traumatised (Y/N) clinging onto the Japanese male with a white and blue patterned face towel resting atop her drying (H/C) locks. She shivers, gripping onto the cloth of his arm with one hand whilst clutching the length of her pigeon blue striped sweater that passes her mid-thigh, a pair of black leggings worn underneath.

America sweat drops under the male's annoyed stare, continuing to nail the new wooden frame in place, "Boys and girls, don't try removing your friend's bathroom window frame to get inside, okay?" He mutters to himself as he hammers the said item in place.

"Prease, just fix it up arready..." after recovering from the initial events, the three sit outside on the patio of Japan's house, admiring the moonlit scenery and the peaceful atmosphere. Japan sits on his knees beside (Y/N), who sits cross legged next to Pookie, and hands her a yunomi of chilled mugicha tea, knowing it was one of her favourites and that it would help calm her nerves. He watches fondly as she takes a sip from the cup, humming contently and muttering a small thank you to him.

He gives her a small nod before turning his attention to the America waiting patiently on the steps of the raised platform, taking a sip from his own yunomi of sencha tea, basking in the serenity before speaking, "So... let me ask you again. What brings you here!"

"Yeah," America's features brighten as he raises his arms from his sides, "I wanted to invite you guys to a Halloween event at my place!"
Japan hums in mild interest, gently pumping a fist into the palm of his other hand.

"Oh... is Harroween (Halloween) a fairytare themed festivity with pumpkins and peopre dressed up in costumes?"

America deadpans a little before nodding, "What? O-Oh, yeah... it's something like that!"

(Y/N) pipes up, humming in thought for a moment before placing down her cup beside her as she places Pookie into her lap, "Oh, I think I know what you mean... I celebrate something similar, Nox vivorum mortuis— or night of the living dead. I-Its similar to the day of the dead thats celebrated by Mexico." America hums before snapping his fingers as he stands abruptly, grabbing (Y/N) by the hand whom, in turn, reaches out on impulse and grabs Japan's wrist, tagging him along on the small train of people.

"You'll know it when you see it!" The blond says loudly, dragging the two surprised nations behind him, "now, come to my room!"


"Welcome to my room!" America exclaims proudly, arms raised above his head as he gestures to the dim lit area filled with creepy masks, heads, pumpkins and other items of the like, "welcome to Halloween!"
(Y/N) jumps as a green skull tinted with a yellow light falls from the ceiling, bouncing in front of her as it hangs by a thin, almost invisible string, causing her to jump as it's jaw clatters. A squeak escapes her as she bolts away from it, eyes shadowed in fear.

Japan takes in a sharp breath, panic swelling in his chest as a mechanical head drops from above and rests by his shoulder, mouth moving as the recorded voice box hidden in it emits small, raspy murmurs of nothingness by his ear. He shudders uncomfortably at the sight of its sickly blue skin and tatty eye, the latex skin around the other having been ripped off revealing the inside of the machine where a ominous yellow light is placed in where its other eye would be, "W-What are these..?" He inquires, cautiously inching away from the object.

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