❤️‍ Marriage ❤️‍

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Devimayya what's happening with me?? It's my marriage day today and I am so so so nervous and excited....



I blushed seeing his name as the caller ID.... Nowadays he always takes extra care of me and I can see his eyes filled with love for me and I am waiting for his confession.

My thoughts got broken when again my phone started to ring.

I picked it and before I could even speak further

A " what the!! Y didn't u pick ur call?? where were u??"

Devimayya why have u made him like this,he roams around keeping anger on his nose tip.

A " r u there?? "

K " ha Arnavji, I am here only and I was late in picking the call as hmm... I was dreaming about u only"

There was a silence, what to do even I have a habit of teasing him.

I was waiting for his What the!! As a reply but his next words made me gasp...

A" u better b "

K " what?? "

A" yes ur only work is to think about me only, soon to b Mrs. Kushi Arnav Singh Raizada "

I felt sudden goosebumps when I heard his way of addressing...

A " r u feeling well??"

K " yes and y r u asking me this?? "

A" I don't know but I am feeling weird as if something is going to happen so b safe "

I smiled at his concern, who on earth is going to believe that he is the same ASR who is known for his attitude.

K " I will b safe and it's only matters of hours and v will meet in alter "

A" I will b waiting for ur arrival Kushi "

My name sounds more beautiful when he calls me...

There was a knock on the door and I know for what so I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before leaving my room...


I have not allowed media to capture our marriage but I have allowed them for the reception, I don't like that much crowd and I know about Kushi, she feels little nervous when it comes to facing cameras as she told me once, I want her to enjoy this day, I know she loves me as its clearly visible in her eyes and I have already promised her that I will b there for her, I even know that I have already fallen deep for her but the thing is I need time to accept the reality....

I don't know but from morning I am getting wrong vibes and even I kinda excited as she will b with me forever.... Whatever happens I will protect her.

Anj" aww chote, u look so handsome"

I just nodded and she was at the verge of crying....

Not again!!

Ar" what the!! Di why r u crying?? "

A " I am so happy chote that u have agreed for this marriage, I must say ur choice is the best but I need to ask u something "

I know she was serious when she spoke the last part.

A " r u happy with this relation?? Because it's not only about u but also Kushiji"

I smiled at her, though I am not that close to my family members but I am jelling with them in all these rituals....

I stood up and kept my hands on hers...

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