I give him the look we all know when someone is being stupid, it's the look. Slender holds up his hand.

"Thridly I do not want you spending a lot of time with Offender anymore. You guys are becoming too close as friends."

I put my hands on the desk.

"Just friends Slender, would you rather I hated him?"



"Rose," he sighs, "as much as I wish you wouldn't go out with the children tonight, to make sure you are safe I want you to go with my brot-"

The door opens up and Offender walks in humanized with a big stupid grin on his face. I sigh and shake my head.

"Hey bro, waz up. Trender is having sex with a cat and is going to take it to the party! Splendor has going to Canada to go have fun with his Happypastas on Halloween," he turns to me and smirks, "why you here dollface?"

"I'm going to take out the kids tonight for Trick or Treating."

He hums happily.

"Well Slender that isn't very safe is it?"

"Halt die klappe Bruder, ich weiß, was du tust. Ich bin nicht glücklich darüber und wenn du darüber sprichst, brinh ich dich um."

I squish my eyebrows together and frown. Is he talking shit on me? Offender chuckles.

""Mach dir keine sorgen, Bruder. Hart."

Slender stands up and points at Offender, who raises his hands up with a smirk. Okay so they are both talking shit on me.

"Ich werde sie schon nicht hart beissen."

I clear my throat loudly, and notice I am not getting any attetion. I sigh and leave the room. I need to get my costumes ready and I need to get the kids ready.


"You are not wearing that!"

Jane points at the modest red riding hood dress. I laugh.

"Well I kinda don't have anything else."

"I am throwing a girl party, we have fun, and not like middle aged Mom's." She snaps I shrug my shoulders as I dress in my tribal outfit that is more modest than Nina. "I have the perfect outfit for you!"

"No, I'm good Jane, thanks though."

I grab my handmade broom and put on my hat. I hold my arms out.

"How do I look?"


"Awesome, I will see you for the girls Halloween party."

I leave her in my room. She finds a secluded part of the forest near the lake so we can be the daughter of the demons and goddesses. She got sexy men last year we had, well, fun and then they murdered them all.

We all danced and ran with the animals the swam in the lake. I smile to myself, this year will be good. I get downstairs and see the kids waiting for me holding bags and pumpkin faces.

Sally was dressed as a zombie, Ellie and Elliot were Mabel and Dipper from Gravity Falls. Lazari was Maleficent, I'm so happy she found someone she could be. Tock, my precious boy, was Chronos from Alice in Wonderland. They were so cute.

"Alrighty you cuties. Where is our Security gaurd."

"Was I supposed to be a security gaurd?"

I turn to see Offender dressed up as a vampire. I frown.

Slender Mansion MaidWhere stories live. Discover now