Chapter three. Gwnawneith

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Snowtteith soon thanked Figby for his healing help and was on her way to...well...she really didn't know where. It was hard for her to get around because she only could waddle around. She hated walking, downright hated it. Because she had this urge in her gizzard to be high in the sky, to be one with the clouds, and to sore and glide. She would often walk but still state at the clouds wishing she her parents would have lived to do her first flight ceremony, she wished her parents were there. They could walk with her and teach her to fly. Fly. Even thinking about it made her gizzard soar. "I BELIEVE!!!!" Out of the blue a small boy owlet came gliding from the sky "I did it, I did it!" He cheered after softly landing on the ground.

"Did what?" Snowtteith asked.
The small owl cocked his head.
"Why, I glided" he said.

"You can glide? But you look my age, how old are you?"
"Only three weeks"

"I never learned to glide!"
"It's easy, just go up to a branch, jump, and spread your wings, I'm Gwnawneith by the way"
"Alright, um this may sound weird but...can you teach me to glide"

"Sure but why?"

"My mum and da are dead" Snowtteith said, the stars that were now gaining upon them made her eyes sparkle.

"Oh, sorry to ask"
" didn't know"

"GWNAWNEITH" a owl from high in a tree squawked.

"Oh, meet me here tomorrow" Gwnawneith Cawed, and was off to a staircase of branches that he hopped on one to one to get back up to his nest.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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