York New City and...KURAPIKA?!

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((A/n): So i currently have writers block for my other story (I'M SO SORRY!) but I've been really busy and rewatching Hunter x Hunter in my free time and this story idea popped into my head. So I'm gonna write a frick ton of it and then upload it in parts to hopefully get it out pretty fast. I'll go back to my ML one after we move and get settled. Now onto the story))

~(Your POV)~

Waking up I glance around in mild confusion before I remember what's going on. Sitting up I glance out the window of the airship to see it's finally close to landing, maybe half an hour, before getting out of bed and getting ready since my destination won't be far after that.

I'm heading to York New for the auction as a bodyguard and escort for my client. He always feels better having nen users around during big events and among his staff I'm the most skilled. At least he's paying me enough to be able to participate in the auction myself.

After tying my hair up (if you have short hair ignore) and taking one last glance in to mirror I grab my bags and head out of the room to my bosses door to see if he's ready for when the airship lands. After a quick knock I hear shuffling around and it's not long before the door is opened. "Ah good morning (y/n). I trust you slept well?" (B/n) says with a smile.

He's a rather jolly man and is very kind, but he is also very high up in the Mafia community and doesn't take shit from anyone, which is why I chose him as my boss. He's also trustworthy and is the only one who knows my real last name as well as my nen. Though, being a specialist is pretty rare to begin with.

With a bow I return the greeting and give a smile. "I slept well thank you. I trust you did as well. I came to inform you that the airship will be arriving at the airport soon. We also have a car waiting to pick us up and take us straight to the hotel we will be staying in for the auction." His only response is a nod and a wider smile before he gestures to his bags. "Would you mind grabbing my bags? I'd like to get some food before we land. Your welcome to join me." I nod while listening to him as I grab his things and add them to mine. The weight isn't that noticable after all the training I've done over the years. "That's kind of you sir, but I'm not hungry at the moment. I will eat when we get to York New and get checked into the hotel." He merely nods and walks out with me following after.

~(Time Skip brought to you by Chrollo's sexy abs)~

After checking into the hotel and getting the things settled into my room I go to check on the boss and the other bodyguards before making my way to the lobby and out the doors to the streets of Your New. I'm super hungry and the only thing I want is some good food. As I walk I spot someone out of the corner of my eye and I have to stop to look and make sure I'm not hallucinating. 'There's now way its him. It's impossible. It's been five years.' All I can do is stare because standing there, right across the street from me at the doors of another hotel, is my brother.

I might not have seen him for five years but it's not hard to do a search on someone when your a pro hunter. I didn't think he would have been in York New. The last search I did on him said he passed the Hunters exam and that was only 6 months ago. It had a recent picture of him but the only real differences I see with him now are his clothes. Maybe his hair is a bit longer but that's it. I missed him...but would he even realize it's me? Just as I think this he looks around and his eyes lock with mine as if he could feel someone staring at him. His eyes grow wide and it looks like he's seen a ghost, which I can't help but smile at, since that must be what it looks like to him. I can see him starting to open his mouth, like he's going to call out to me but I quickly turn away and continue walking.

It's not that I'm not happy to see him, I'm ecstatic. But I don't need him confronting me right now. I don't know how I'll tell him I survived since that's what he'll ask. As I keep walking I can hear his footsteps quickly catching up to me. I sigh inwardly as I silently beg for my boss to call so I don't have to face him. He can't know the truth yet. Before I get another step in there is a firm hand on my shoulder and I stop walking. I miss him, but he can't know.

"(Y/n). Is it really you?" I can't keep the smile off my face even as I feel the tears well up in my eyes as I turn to him. "H-hi big brother." He stares for a moment with tears in his eyes too before I'm roughly pulled into a hug. I close my eyes and hug him back tightly. After so long, he's finally here in front of me again. My body is shaking from my sobs and I can feel his doing the same. We must look so strange to everyone around us. Two teens hugging and crying in the middle of a sidewalk but I don't care. My brother is here and I feel so safe in his arms.

After a few minutes I'm clam and i know my eyes aren't glowing so we both pull away and look at each other with red faces and bright smiles. I wipe at my eyes and I look at him. "I missed you so much big brother. I thought you were gone like everyone else." He wipes at his eyes and smiles sadly at me. "I thought you were gone. I had went into town for my test when the clan was attacked. When I came back everyone was dead. I didn't find you but I assumed you were dead too." I smile at him but i can't help but get nervous. 'Please don't ask' "I'm glad to see your alive. But (Y/n)....How did you survive?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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