Who are you? (Prologue part 1)

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I scroll through apps, bored and trying to find something to distract myself.
I stop curiously on an app called 'MysticMessenger.' I tap the download button and wait for it to load.
After it downloads, I tap the app, with even more curiosity. As it opens, I'm placed into a chatroom.
A new person joins, named 'Unknown.'
I was puzzled as to why I was placed into a chatroom with a complete stranger, so I respond with:
They start to type, and my eyes flutter with interest as they text:
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Can you see this?
I felt bad for this person, wondering if they've been looking for someone to talk to.
ᗰᑕ-Yes, I can.
They type, and I wait patiently.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-...Finally connected. Thank god.
They continue to type.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-It's not everyday you get a text from a stranger.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'm a bit flustered myself. I found a smartphone at the subway station, but all it had was this messenger app.
My curiosity increased. Why had someone left their phone at a subway station? I would never go anywhere without my phone.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I want to find the owner, but I don't see any contact info or call records...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I've been sending messages with this app but no reply...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-All I see is an address and some important-looking numbers saved in notes.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'd like to go there myself but I'm currently abroad...
I felt worry increase in the pit of my stomach.
ᗰᑕ-First...Who are you?
They typed.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Me? Oh sorry. I didn't even introduce myself.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'm just... a student studying abroad. I'm Korean.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I could tell you my name, but it doesn't really matter.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-You won't find me on search engines. ^^;
I was curious why he would think I'd search him up. I waited for him to type.
ᑌKᑎOᗯᑎ-But, anyways...
ᑌKᑎOᗯᑎ-Can you help me find the owner of this phone?
Once again, the worry weighed my mind.
Is this person serious?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I know you're surprised to have someone suddenly pop up and ask you a favor like this.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-But still...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'd appreciate it if you could help.
I was baffled. Why me? What would happen if I were to help?
ᗰᑕ-Why should I help you?
I knew it was rude, but I couldn't help it. This strange person randomly texting me, asking me to help find a person's missing phone?
They typed.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Since you're the only clue I have.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I've been trying to find the owner with this phone, but I didn't find any clues until now.
Clues? Couldn't he have just looked through photos, or called a contact?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I would really like to find the owner.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Then God will be happy.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Oh! Sorry I didn't mention it before. I'm religious.
I didn't really care if he was religious or not. I was still a little bit scared.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Never mind what I just said. I'm sorry if I weirded you out.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Can you please help me? I'll make it up to you if I get to go back to Korea.
This caught my eye. I wondered what he could do to make it up to me. I mean, going to a random person's address in hopes that I could give them their phone seemed strange to me.
Why didn't they have their phone in the first place?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-It's really a safe place. If you feel unsafe, you can turn around.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I know the area. It's developed.
They seemed pushy. Why were they so obsessed over this phone?
ᗰᑕ-No. You're creepy.
I felt my hands start to shake, and I looked as they typed.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'm not a creep.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Haven't you ever heard of the saying 'you get a treat if you listen to older men'...?
This weirded me out slightly. But, he was right.
ᗰᑕ-I'll listen to you.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Haha, I was joking.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-But you seem like you'll listen to me^^
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I know I'm asking too much.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-You might think I'm odd.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-...I am a bit odd to be honest.
A bit? Try a lot. This person slightly scared me.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-But would you consider it? I'm talking to you right now.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Two complete strangers at two completely different places... It's a miracle we've connected.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-No one responded to my messages. You're the first one.
I was...The first?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I don't know how we got connected...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-But maybe this was meant to be?
Meant to be....?

ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-That is me in the photo

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ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-That is me in the photo.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Maybe this will make you less suspicious...?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'm returning to Korea soon, so I'll definitely make it up to you.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-If you feel unsafe near the place, you can just delete the app.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Please, I'm begging you.
He seemed desperate. I felt bad. Guilt started to bite at me.
ᗰᑕ-Alright... I'm returning asap if something seems strange.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Thank you!
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Then I'll send you the address.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Now how do you do that...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Found it.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-< [Address] Clink Link >
I clicked the link, and it lead me to the address. It was really close to me!
I went out and walked there, and I noticed there was a lock with a password...
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Are you there? ^^ See. Nothing strange.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Is there a password lock on the door?
I looked at the lock, and started typing.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-I'll send you the digits. Try it.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-< [password] >
I paused for a moment.
ᗰᑕ-...Shouldn't I ring the doorbell first?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Hmm. You're right!
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Sorry, I wasn't thinking straight.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Then ring the doorbell.
I ring the doorbell. No answer.
ᗰᑕ-I want to go back.;;
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-What? No.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Soon, you'll see the hottie
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Whoops... Typo.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Put in the password.
I pause for another moment. That's breaking and entering, right?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-You can just leave a note. Yeah?
ᗰᑕ-Okay... Alright.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Good girl ^^
I put in the password, and the door opens.
ᗰᑕ-The door's open.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-Good. Why don't you go inside?
I can't...I'll get in trouble...My heart starts to pound.
ᗰᑕ-Can I just enter a stranger's house?
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-You can just leave a note. I'll give you my info.
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ-If something happens, you can just show my messages. That'll do.
ᗰᑕ-Then... Alright.
I go in.
I was confused when I saw this:
ᑌᑎKᑎOᗯᑎ has left the chat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎~𝚉𝚎𝚗 𝚡 𝙼𝙲 (𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙴𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now