Shuhei heard the sound of the rock wall breaking apart, and saw several Fire Nation soldiers come through the hole it made. He ran as fast as his legs and bending would carry him "Get out!" he shouted, forcing them into the air with the swing of his staff, then he jumped up and swung it at them again, creating a gust that flung them off the mountain and into the ocean.

He'd only left his post for a minute, maybe less, but when he looked back more and more soldiers were coming in from the area where he'd been standing. "There! Get him! That must be the boy who threw our brothers into the sea!" One of them exclaimed. The man who spoke was wearing armor almost identical to Kuzon's, and at his words, they let loose five fireblasts aimed right at Shuhei's head.

"I don't think so," Kuzon replied, jumping in between the men and Shuhei and blocking the fire-blasts by bracing his arms and legs.

"What are you doing cadet? He's one of them, an airbender!" demanded the same man who ordered the others to attack Shuhei.

"So sorry Captain, that airbender is my friend. So I'll have to deny your request."

"Then you're a traitor! Men, kill him."

Shuhei didn't give them the chance, he grabbed Kuzon's arms and ran away deep into the temple complex until they stood just outside the sanctuary. "What's with that guy, why did he think you were with them?" Shuhei asked once they were safe.

"Probably because I'm wearing Fire Nation armor. Still, I'm surprised he didn't figure it out right away. He called me a cadet because of my age but a cadet wouldn't normally be wearing this armor. The dragon tooth spikes are only worn by commanders and higher. My dad is an admiral, this is his spare set." Kuzon explained.

"Wait, didn't you say your dad was leading this attack?"

"Yes," Kuzon answered, turning away from him and hanging his head in shame. His hands balled into tight fists. "I can't believe this." He said in a voice that was barely audible. "My own father..."

"What he and his men are doing is awful, but you're not with them. You're on our side." Shuhei reminded him.

"Hey, guys! We could use some help out here!" Malu shouted as she was thrown back by a fireblast, coming to land at the boys' feet.

"Leave. Her. Alone!" Kuzon yelled, jumping between Malu and the soldier and kicking a powerful burst of flames in his direction.

With the soldier gone, the group ran toward the main entrance.

"If we really want to end this, I need to find my dad," Kuzon explained as they ran. "He's leading these guys, so if I can somehow convince him to stop the attack, everyone who doesn't belong here will leave."

"You really think that'll work?" Malu asked.

"Yes. I don't know how I'll get him to stop, but stopping him is the only way to stop all of this. You guys go find Hotaru and Bumi, protect the little kids and the elders. I gotta go see an admiral about a war." Kuzon said, then he turned and headed back in the opposite direction.


Meanwhile, just inside the massive wooden doors that once marked the main entrance, and were now a smoldering pile of rubble, Hotaru found herself completely surrounded by fellow firebenders. She dodged a fireblast from one, and landed a roundhouse kick on another, knocking him to the ground and pulling the one next to him into the path of the fireblast she'd just dodged. "Is that all you've got?"

"If I were you, I'd keep my mouth shut you, little traitor!" Snapped the one she'd knocked down, then out of the corner of her eye, she spied Monk Afiko standing near the archway into the dining hall, the firebenders seemed to spot him as well.

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