035. MAY 27, 2018

Depuis le début

"We don't know that. We have to explain everything, give it time, and then see if they hate us," Tom explained as her eyes became glossy.

"Still!" He nodded.

We all went into the living room and sat down somewhere.

"You first since yours is shorter," Sophia said as she grabbed his hand.

He nodded and started talking.


Once Tom was done explaining they all were shocked. He looked at me and pulled me closer to him.

"You were just abandoned even before birth?" Abraxas asked him.

"Yeah," Tom nodded.

"So you decided to kill your dad and your mom just died?" Avery asked.

"Yep," Tom nodded again.

"You kill people for a living?" Blue asked as she was hugging a pillow a bit away from us.

"Kinda. You get off work for months and then go back for a few months. Not everybody kills people at the place, you have to be one of the select few." I rolled my eyes at the last part. Being one of the select few sucks. I hate it.

"What else is there to do there?" Avery asked us.

"Ask them questions, torture them, take their stuff, threaten them, then there's that secret room," I explained.

"You don't know what goes on in the secret room?" Tom asked me.

"No, do you?" I asked looking up at him.

He shook his head, "No. Only Karmyn, Taylor, and the twins go in there."

"Then they must be his favorite favorites." He nodded.

I looked at the three to see them watching us differently. Once they seemed ready I started telling them my story.

"You shouldn't have killed them," Blue said with her judgy eyes narrowed at me.

"Here we go," I muttered while rolling my eyes and leaning back into Tom.

"You should've gone to jail. You still should!" Tom pulled me closer to him and held me tightly.

"I think that's a bit too far," Abraxas said glancing at Blue.

"What do you mean a bit too far? She killed her family and mine!" Blue exclaimed, throwing the pillow across the room.

"Not all of them," Avery stated.

"Yous are on her side?" Blue asked the boys

"You are making this a big deal," Avery said looking at her.

"She's crazy!"

"Why are you only picking on Soph?" Tom asked as he took me off of his lap. He does have a point. She always picks on me.

"Because you care about her. You could care less about me which I could care less, but still." He said when she didn't speak. He looked at her for a bit as tears ran down her face.

"You're so emotional, you care too much. Especially about the little things that don't mean anything, anymore," Tom muttered at the end.

"How can you not care about anything?" He pulled me back on his lap and smiled.

"I care about her, and them two sometimes," he said nodding to the boys.

I smiled at that as the boys rolled their eyes.

"Wow, I feel special," Avery said as he sat beside me/Tom.

"Hi," he pulled me off of Tom and hugged me.

"Woo! Oooh, you smell good," I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thanks." I nodded.

I glanced at Tom to see him look at me and Avery. He looked at Abraxas as Abraxas looked at us. He came over and sat on Tom.

"Get off!" Tom pushed him onto me which crushed me into Avery.

"Dude!" Abraxas exclaimed.

"Owe!" Avery and I yelled in unison.

Abraxas sat right causing Avery and me to both sit the correct way.

"Abraxas." We all looked over at Blue.

"Fuck you." I nudged him. We kept nudging each other until I climbed on him.

"I can lift you with one hand!" He smiled as we ignored Blue.

"Do it then you bitch!"

Two other hands grabbed onto me and lifted me up.

"He didn't lie," Avery said as I looked down at the three.

"Yous are such cheaters," I muttered.

"Am not!" Tom exclaimed

"Yes, you are!" He scoffed.

I looked at Avery and pushed him, so he pushed me onto the floor after they let me down. Abraxas pushed him onto the floor, and Tom pushed him onto the floor. The boys grabbed Tom's legs and pulled him onto the floor.

"That wasn't necessary," Tom stated as I crawled over to him and straddled him.

"Maybe it was."

"Sicko!" He rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hips.

I looked over at Blue to see her looking confused. I looked at the boys to see them on their phones, then I looked down at Tom to see him looking at me. I grabbed the bottom of his face and squished it. I quickly got my phone out and took a picture of him. His phone started ringing, but that didn't stop me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away from his face.

"Hello?" He asked.

Right away he rolled his eyes and held my hand.

"Yeah, we'll be there." He hung up and looked at me.

"We gotta go to work tomorrow at 8 a.m." I rolled my eyes.

Of course, we do.

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