Chapter 3

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Waking up from unconsciousness, Y/N awoke in a room she had never seen before. As she searched the room to figure out where she was, she heard a faint tune of music play in the background. Slowly getting up, she rubbed her head where she had been hit, and was amazed by the amount of books that were stacked up in the room. Finally standing up from the bed, she wandered the halls of the unknown place she was in, following the music with each step. She looked at the beautiful decor around her, marveling at how something so anceint yet so elegent would be where she was now.

Reaching the location of where the music was coming from, she carefully examined everything about it, the songs the bright colors of the lights, even the little scratches along the sides of it, not noticing the someone was gazing at her from afar. Feeling the presence behind her, she quickly turned around, only to be faced with V. "You scared me." "My apologies. Are you feeling alright?" V questioned. "Yes, thank you. What is this place?" Y/N asked, wondering where and why V would bring her there. "It's my home. I call it the Shadow Gallery." V responding, wondering if she liked it or not, but not planning on asking her. "It's beautiful." Y/n said, making V light up a little when she said that. "Where did you get all this stuff?" She asked, looking at all of the most likely expensive things around the room. "Oh here and there. Much of it from the vaults of the Ministry of Objectionable Materials." He responded casually. "You stole them?" Questioned Y/N as she was beginning to get worried for the sake of the masked man. "Oh heavens no! Stealing implies ownership, you can't steal from the sensor, I merely reclaimed them." "God if they ever find this place..." Y/N said quietly. "I suspect if they do find this place, a few bits of art will the least of my worries." "You mean after what you've done. God what have I done? I maced that detective, why'd I do that?" Y/N questioned, trying to find reason in her past actions. Quickly, V spoke up to try to reassure her. "You did what you thought was right" "No I shouldn't have done that. I must have been out of my mind." Y/N retorted. "Is that what you think or is that what they'd want you to think?" There was a moment of silence before Y/N spoke up again. "I think I should go" She said as she started walking away from the masked man to find the exit to his home. "May I ask where?" "Home, I have to go home." She responded, starting to panic a little. "You said they were looking for you, if they know where you work, they certainly know where you live." Ceasing her walking, Y/N stood in front of V with a look of question and disappointment in her eyes. 

"What about my friends? I could stay with them if I ask." Sighing, V  reluctantly answered, "I'm afraid that won't work either. You have to understand, Y/N, I didn't want this for either of us, but I could see any other way. You were unconscious and I had to make a decision. If I had left you there, right now, you'd be in one of Creedy's interrogation cells. They'd imprison you, torture you, and, in all probability, kill you, in a pursuit of finding me. After what you did, I couldn't let that happen, so I picked you up and carried you to the only place I knew you'd be safe: Here, to my home." As he finished, the female felt a wave of happiness and guilt. Happiness for being completely safe due to the masked man, but guilt for somewhat making him risking himself and home to save her, just because she helped him with his attacker. "So... you're saying I have to stay here, V?" She asked shyly. "Only until I'm done. After the 5th, I no longer think it'll matter." Realizing that she'd have to stay in the home of the charming masked man, she closed her eyes and contemplated her next words carefully. "Well, since I'm staying with such a nice man like you, I think I could handle it. Just don't do anything weird, okay?" V smiled under his mask and said, "I wouldn't dream of it, darling"



What a pitiful chapter this was. I sincerely apologize for this outcome, for this taking many months to 'publish' and for how short this was. I wasn't able to update due to 'V for Vendetta' no longer being on 'Netflix' anymore, and because I don't know where else to watch the movie (If you know a place where, message me) , but don't worry, as soon as I can watch it again, I will update this story as soon as possible (which may not be believable due to the time last updated, but trust me). I have also read your comments and it warms my heart that this many people enjoy my story, so thank you! I have put your sayings into consideration and will possibly write another story with a male! reader x V after this one, so if you have any other suggestions in mind, tell me! Thank you for all the votes and I hope to see you soon!

Edit: I had managed to update this and add onto it due the suggested websites the people in that comments had stated, and since the  movie is back on 'Netflix'! Thank you to those who have named where the movie was.

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