“Ahhh! I think he can. Little bit?” He playfully bit her toe, and she wriggled it away.

“No papa. Mamma said friends are the best com…comp….” Her small forehead creased, and her mouth thinned into a tight line. She was double upset that she forgot what her precious mamma had said. “Friends are the best!” She shouted, stomped, and rushed out the door in a blur.

Varun sighed, and sporting a goofy smile on his lips, he rested his head back on the couch. His Ria was the best!

He heard running footsteps again and his eyes flew open, just when his fireball barreled into his arms, hugged him tight, and smacked a kiss on to his cheek. Before he could react, she was out of his arms and out the door. Ah! Daughters!

Getting ready for work again, Varun generously sprayed the denim cologne. He knew it was his wife’s favorite, not that she had ever told him. The discrete sniffs, the frequent hugs, and the way her arms tightened around him not wanting to let him go, were enough motivation for him to stick loyally to the brand.  

They were one month short of celebrating their tenth anniversary. Though in reality, they had discovered each other only few years ago. The memories of those initial years of their marriage were painful for him to revisit. Before he could delve on the reasons and feel the inevitable stab in his chest, he rested his eyes on the framed photo of them together, sharing a laugh.

Naina looked radiant in the picture. Her eyes twinkled as she looked up into his, a beautiful smile on her lips, her lustrous black hair framing her slightly flushed face. He remembered his exact words to her that got her cheeks tinge with color. His heart quickened as he recounted that moment he had confessed his love for her for the first time. It was five years ago; their first night away from their baby. He shook his head at the memory and smiled. That look on her face, her friend had unwittingly captured, was her only response before they got dragged for a night of drinks and dancing.

Varun plucked a red rose from the mini garden in their balcony and placed it in front of the frame. Tracing his wife’s features on the photo with his index finger, he mouthed the words ‘love you’.

He was at the top of the stairs, heading down to have his lunch with his family, when his mobile rang. It had better not be his partner calling about work, especially when he had mentioned he wasn’t to be disturbed till he got back to office. An unknown number blinked at him from the screen, and he swiped to answer.

“Hi Varun…”

The caller didn’t have to say more, and he didn’t. Varun gripped his mobile fighting the urge to smash it against the wall. There was only one response the caller deserved – Varun disconnected the call, pocketed his phone and marched down, his feet landing heavily on every step. His hand along the winding wooden banister of the staircase shook as the past threatened to resurface. He would have stumbled on the last step if Ria hadn’t chosen that moment to come running to meet him.

Scooping his daughter up into his arms, he held her tight against his chest. He nuzzled her neck and breathed her in. Shocked at his reaction, he took a moment to collect his thoughts before facing his mother and Naina. His wife. Did the caller have her number too?

“Papa, you’re hurting me,” Ria’s voice broke into his thoughts, and he instantly loosened his arms around his daughter.

“Sorry bubba. Have you had your lunch?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” she sang, wriggled out of his arms, and scampered away to her room.

Ria was a bundle of energy, both her mind and body constantly active. Both Naina and he had their hands full with their daughter. They didn’t mind one bit.

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