◇♢Star Player♢◇ Megan " Meggo " Fawcett

11 0 0

Age: 9

Birthday: 2 February

School: Mowborough Primary

Likes: football, hot chocolate with marshmallows,  football, The Simpsonsfootball

Dislikes: Miss Parkinson (my form teacher) and people who are mean about other people

Supports: England and England Women and the Parrs

Favourite player(s) on team: Petra Ward (she's also my best friend), but for pure legendary skill, Gemma Hurst

Best football moment: when Hannah Preston (best coach ever) took a penalty against me an I saved it. That's when I knew I wanted to be a goalkeeper.

Match preparation: I get really bad pre-match nerves so I do deep breathing exercises.....


To be Continued...

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