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I nodded. I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans. "Bryce." his mom said. He walked over to his mom as we walked over there. "Miss. Walker, Bryce. This is Cassie-Maddison Taylor. Cassie this is Nora Walker and Bryce Walker." Kyle said pointing to both of them. I gave a weak smile. I didn't say anything.

"Cassie, don't be rude and say hi," Kyle said. "Hi," I said under my breath. My voice quite. I was terrified to the point my voice didn't want to work right. "It's nice to meet you, Cassie," Nora said. "You too," I said quite too. "I swear to you she usually isn't this quite. Right, Cassie." Kyle said. I nodded remembing the time I got a talking too from being too loud with Matthew.

"Alright, I'll leave you guys to it. Cassie has my number if you guys have any questions that you want to ask me." Kyle said. They nodded. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that it was already noon. Well, I didn't know it was that late into the day. I must have slept in.

"So, You have two names for your first?" Nora said. She said it so it was almost like a question. I cleared my throat. "Yeah, my parents didn't know what to name me. My mom was a stargazer. I thought that's why I was named Cassie- Maddison. When I asked her that. She told me it's because that was the first thing I looked at." I said looking at the ground.

I hope I'm not coming off as rude. God that would be bad. "Well, It's an amazing name," Nora said. "Long," I added. I looked up at them.

"You hungry?" Nora asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't have breakfast this morning," I said. "Why not," Nora said as we started to walk out of the room. Al the teens were gone. "I slept in too late," I said. Bryce chuckled. "I almost did too. That was until mom woke me up." Bryce said. I nodded. So that's what his voice sounds like.

"You can put your bags in the back," Nora said opening the truck. I nodded and put my stuff in the truck. I then closed the back to see Bryce already in the passenger seat. I climbed in the back; closing the door behind me.

I buckled the belt. "So, Cassie. You okay with Subway?" Nora asked. "Yeah," I said. She nodded and started to drive the car off. "So Cassie. Tell us about yourself." Nora said. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Where you from?" Bryce asked.

"The middle of nowhere in Minnesota," I said. "Sometimes I'll find myself making fun of my own accent. It's fun talking to other people that are also from around there. So we can have a good laugh." I said. Bryce nodded.

"So, are your parents still in Minnesota?"Nora asked. "No," I said. "Are they here?" she asked. "Mom, let her be," Bryce said. "It's fine. They aren't here. They aren't anymore." I said. I looked down.

"They all got in a car crash two months after I ran away," I said. I looked up at them. "Sorry, I asked," Nora said. "It's okay," I said. "You'd find out anyway," I added. They nodded as Nora turned into Subway. We all climbed out and walked inside to eat. I sat by myself as they sat by each other. I started to eat.

"So, Cassie. What else should we know?" Nora asked. I thought about it. "I have ADD, Depression, bad Anxiety, it's hard for me to focus, Emotional disturbance, uh I have never been in school before, I think I have a hard time hearing at times, and I have a traumatic brain injury from a car crash," I said.

"I can't have pineapple or nuts," I added. They nodded. I took a breath before continuing to eat. "Oh, and without the glasses, I have one I will not be able to see color," I said. They nodded again. "Wait, some color or how is that for you?" Bryce asked.

"All color," I said looking at my food. I took a breath before eating again. "So, you can see any colors without your glasses on is that right," Bryce said. I nodded as I started to eat again.

"That must have not been fun," Nora said

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"That must have not been fun," Nora said. "It wasn't. I was always the odd one out when it came to color." I said. "I thought you said you never have been at school," Nora said. "Even though I haven't been to school I still have been able to play games with other kids that aren't too far from the house I used to live in," I said.

"We'd do birthday parties, get-togethers, and on random days," I added before finishing my sandwich. "They all are really fun. They'd shoot off fireworks into the stary night sky. They'd grill hotdogs and burgers for lunch and sometimes supper. We'd swim in the pool whenever it was a sunny day outside." I said smiling.

"Sounds like that's a lot of fun," Bryce said. I nodded. "It was really fun. We'd end up falling asleep in the car on the way there." I said. He nodded and smiled. "Well, are we ready to head out?" Nora asked. I nodded yawning. "Late night." Bryce said as we walk to their car. "Yeah, I was smart and stayed up until I fell asleep with my sketchbook in my lap and pencils all over the place," I said opening the door to the back of their car.

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