2. Admirable {Taleena}

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Mileena stared hard into the small fire Tanya had made. She seemed immensely troubled by something. Well, there were many things to be troubled by, given what had happened amd their current situation. For all Outworld knew, she had been killed by the orders of a false emperor, by an overgrown insect. Her army was gone, Rain was dead thanks to Tanya.

Mileena glanced over at the edenian. Her bob had been all cut off into a short mess and it was obvious she hated it. An addition to the hundreds of things Kotal would pay for.

Tanya seemed just as troubled as Mileena did. Still, trying to process the thought of thousands of Mileenas sharing the same thoughts, feelings and memories. This was still her Mileena.. Just in a similarly different body. The only thing that was different was that she didn't bear the scars and marks and chipped fangs of the one before. Her hair was longer and Tanya noticed one of her giant fangs on the left side was grown in the other direction.

It was still a whole thing to think about and for Tanya to wrap her mind around...


"Yes, my kahnum?"

"Why are you still here with me?" Mileena poked at the fire with a skinny stick. Tanya seemed almost offended by the question,

"What do you mean?"

Mileena sighed deeply and threw the frail stick into the orange flame.

"My armies and the rest of my allies have left me, given up on me. Rain turned out to be a traitorous snake. I failed in regaining the throne and failed in giving you your promised free Edenia." Mileena faintly clawed at the skin around her large mandibles, a nervous habit of hers, whilst glaring intensly in the fire, "You could just leave and forget about me, kill me even. Find someone who could give you what you want... Yet your still here." Mileena looked up at her curiously, "Why is that?"

Tanya gently took Mileenas hand away from her face to cease her clawing, "I find you quite admirable, empress." She said. Mileena seemed genuinely surprised by this answer.

"How, exactly?"

Tanya looked Mileena over carefully, Mileena feeling oddly exposed under her tawny eyes until Tanya turned her gaze back over to the dying fire.

"Your vast knowledge of the throne and the realms is impressive especially for being incredibly young. The way your mind works in general is admiring." She pushed some of Mileenas hair away from her face.

"You don't let anything stop you from getting what you want. You don't give up even if your hurt, which, on occasion could be bad...And you actually take advice and suggestions from your people, unlike some blue painted bastard...." The last remark made Mileena giggle.

Tanya traced her fingers in caressing Mileenas face, not being scared to go over those dangerous fangs. Mileena felt tranced just by Tanyas faint touch.

"Though.. Your mind isn't all that is admirable." A mere smirk formed on Tanya's lips. Mileena leaned close, "Do tell, dearest, what else about me do you find admirable?" Her voice was low.

"Are you just fishing for compliments now, empress?" Tanya teased. Mileena rolled her eyes.

Tanya leaned close to Mileenas face till they were sharing the same breath. She traced her thumb over her bottom lip, "May I..?" Tanya asked in a soft whisper. Mileena gave a little nod and leaned foward as did Tanya. Mileena gave a content hum. Tanya was amused as she could feel Mileena trying not to interrupt their kiss with the smile she was trying to hold back.

It was a kiss they began growing addicticted to. It wasn't like when they were associates, when it was only for pleasuring eith no feeling behind it. Now the kisses became sweeter than honey. More frequent. Leaving them both smiling and feeling light.

They parted away, a heavenly smile on Mileenas face, though it quickly turned into a pout.

"Deareeesst! Tell me everything else you admire about me!" She whined. Tanya chuckled and pulled Mileena onto her lap which seemed to obviously make the former empress happier but she kept her stubborn pout with her forehead bumped against Tanyas and with her arms crossed.

"Everything huh?" Tanya brushed her hair behind her ear, "I'll need to save some for behind closed doors but for now," She pulled Mileena closer by her thighs, Mileena wrapping her legs around Tanyas waist in response, "I'll start with this pretty face of yours." She started peppering kisses all over Mileenas face, earning giggles out of the half edenian.

When Tanya finished, Mileena looked up at her with her innocent looking dialated pupils, "What else dearest? What else?!" She asked eagerly with a happy wide smile on her face. Tanya couldn't help stopping her heart from beating fast with that stupid smile.

Mileena stomped the heel of her boots in the dirt impatiently. Tanya had completely dazed out looking at Mileena and felt her face warm up when she realized.

"I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Tanya went on a ramble of embarrassed apologies before being interrupted by Mileenas laughs.

"You needn't apologize, dearest Tanya. I find it flattering that you're able to get lost just looking at me." Mileena grinned. Tanya scoffed, trying to brush off the embarrassment. Mileena kissed her cheek which didn't help Tanya at all.

"What do you admire most, dearest?" Mileena asked. Gods, this woman would be the death of Tanya with all her questions, her pretty face, her rough but still whimsical voice, her lean body... Tanya gave a sigh of defeat and buried her face in the crook of Mileenas neck, which confused the other.

"I admire all of you.. I admire my empress.." Tanya gave her a soft kiss on her neck, "I admire my Mileena."

Mileena hugged Tanya tightly, her ears having turned a vibrant red and her cheeks a bright pink. Tanya sat up again and lifted Mileenas face by her chin, "And you? What do you admire most?" She asked.

Mileena seemed to already have an answer planned as she didn't hesitate to say, "You! I admire my beautiful, my strong, my smart, my beloved and my dearest Tanya!" She threw her arms over Tanyas shoulders and around her neck and kissed her sweetly. The words Mileena spoke and the kiss left Tanya with a lovestruck smile afterwards.

They kept each other's company deep into the night until they had fallen asleep next to a dead fire and secure in each other's arms. Tanya though, did fall asleep wondering why Mileena still stayed with her.

I miss my terrible girls

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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