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Dolan and Harrison were dating, to some students that wasn't such big deal. To many ravenclaws, it really wasn't something to make such a fuss about. All except one, Lucien Magnus. No he was not jealous, just simply bored and tired. He also knew Harrison... an encouraging friend, ok student, a mischievous kid and the Head Boy of Gryffindor. What was someone like him doing with Dolan Magee?! Dolan was seen as manipulative, power hungry, and very intimidating. Some people called him snake, although he was more of a spider; trapping his victims within his web of favors and deceit. Lucien didn't know the base of this relationship nor did he know the whole story, and as painful as it is to admit, that frightened him. He decided to face Dolan about it first. Wouldn't want Harrison to know we're snooping, now would we. "Hello there, pretty boy~" He said as Dolan walked out of his common room, no one was by either of their sides and it made him suspicious. "Are you flirting with me?" Dolan asked the blue clad, suspicion just lining the rim of his glasses. "No, I'm not flirting with chu? I know you have plenty of pursuers and that Gryffindor boy at your side." Dolan's eyes widen and he nearly gasped, he wasn't used to the idea of people knowing his relationship with Harrison. Still, Lucien continued with a smirk, "Yeah I know about that. He's a feisty one isn't he? Had my fair share of him." Dolan glared threateningly and whipped out his wand, he stood in dueling position. Lucien raised a finger and stopped the Slyrherin, by talking, "ah ah ah, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to introduce myself. My name is Lucien Magnus, I'm a 3rd year Ravenclaw." Dolan held his arms to his side, glare intensifying every second this bird wasted his time, "what do you want?"
"What do I want? Oh, Dolan~ You should know about that, you're pretty much famous up here," Lucien was beginning to get on the blonde boy's nerves as he singsonged the snake's name. "I hear all the rumors about you, so I decided to check you out on my own. Been keeping an eye on you." This shocked Dolan, not because of any heard rumors, but the fact that someone not only had the audacity to spy on him, Dolan was more shocked he never noticed. How could he let a single stalker slip through his vigilant fingers? He nearly didn't hear the Ravenclaw continue, "And I don't like what I see... If you don't stop manipulating all these people around you, you're gonna get in trouble." Wow, haven't heard that one before. Dolan put a hand to his mouth as if to say "oh no," but in the most sarcastic way possible. He wanted this whole conversation to be over. "You won't get in trouble by the professors, but by me!!" Lucien was trying to be intimidating as he looked over the green clad. "Oh, I'm so scared," Dolan said with his crossed and a scowl on his face. All he wanted to do was punch the Ravenclaw in his perfect little face and completely screw with his life for even mentioning Harrison. Lucien smiles almost sweetly and stepped back before saying, "Have a nice day." Then Lucien left. Lucien left the Slytherin with the most dangerous weapon in the world... his own mind.

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