Pillow talk (Zack Addy)

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Info: you and Zack have been together for a year and you to live together and Zack is really comfortable around you and you him. You two are a lot a like
"Y/n. Y/n. Wake up" Zack whispers in to your ear. You snuggle closer in to his chest and wimpier "five more minutes." "But I have a question." You move your head so you can see him and say "yeah" Zack looks you in the eye and says "who would win in a fight Angela or Hodgins?" You giggle uncontrollably and this makes Zack laugh and smile proudly that he made you laugh. "Angela definitely" you say between giggles. "Ok good" he said "that's what I thought too." Than you ask "I must know what made you think of that." "I'm not sure" he said smiling at you. "Ok." Y/n said than reach and ran her hands through his hair. Zack laughs and grabs Y/n's hand and kisses it. "I love you" Zack says quietly into Y/n's ear "love you too Zacky."

    After a few minutes of silent cuddling Zack abruptly said "do you ever want kids" Y/n stared at him blankly. "Uhh um what" Y/n says. "Want kids" Zack says nervously. "Maybe some day in the future. Why? Do you?" Y/n says sounding unsure "yes with you yes." They both smile at each other. Y/n says "well let's wait on the whole kids thing at least human kids. But I think we should puppy." (Zack) "are we even qualified"
(Y/n) "PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY!" "Ok ok we can look into to getting a puppy." Zack says giggling happily.

~time skip to the morning~
    Zack woke up early to make breakfast than called dr. Brennan to tell her he and   Y/n were both taking a personal day. Y/n woke up soon after. "Hey babe" Y/n said softly and kissed him. He then said "we aren't going to work today" "what why" Y/n says confused. "We are getting a puppy." Y/n ran to him put her arms around his neck and kisses him and said "really" "yeah

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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