Your Twinkling Eyes #NotADayGoesBy

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'I fell in love easily,
I loved him silently,
I craved him constantly,
Not a day goes by,
Not a second ticks by,
Without his words echoing hauntingly!'

Raindrops crashed to the ground, making little circles in its wake. The bikers zigzagged their way through waterlogged Bengaluru roads, honking mercilessly at stranded four wheelers.

Amidst this mayhem, I ran like Usain Bolt wondering whether I'd get an inch of space in the overcrowded bus stop.

That's when I saw him!

He stood in a corner reading 'A brief history of time'. He wasn't classically handsome. He didn't have six pack or a trendy beard. But I was drawn to him like moth to the flame!
My legs worked on autopilot and found a spot next to him!

How did that happen?

I blinked in confusion. I don't remember my brain issuing such a command! Since when did my legs start acting on its own?!

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck a tree across the road, snapping it in half. The thunder that followed roared ferociously, the ground beneath trembling in response. I shuddered and grabbed his hands instinctively!

'Hey, it's alright! Calm down!' his deep voice whispered in my ear. I took a step back, horrified by my actions. His eyes twinkled mischievously.

'Don't worry. I won't eat you, I'm a vegetarian', he raised his hands in mock surrender. I stared at him for a beat, then burst into laughter!

'Laughter is so beautiful. Everyone should laugh more', he muttered under his breath.
His words startled me. Unsure how to respond, I looked down awkwardly.
He grinned and resumed reading.

The next day, I hurried to the bus stop and waited. Every time a bus skidded to halt, I convinced myself that it was crowded and I should catch the next one. An hour passed but he didn't turn up!

I finally saw him next Monday! He was so absorbed in reading that he didn't hear my timid 'Hi'!
Rarely do I see a man reading a book let alone be engrossed by it! I was fascinated by him!

I risked a glance at his ID and found out his name - Shaurya Kumar! I giggled happily. At least now I can stalk him on Facebook and find out everything!

Weeks turned into months but I didn't see him. I obsessed over his Facebook profile, trying to find a reason for his prolonged absence until I came across a month old post by his sister -


They say time is free but priceless! I didn't understand its meaning until now!

True to your name, you fought Clinical depression like a champion! You tried to live more, laugh more and love more. But ultimately, the monster won. It took you far away from us to the land no living soul knows about!

Now all I've got is memories and an aching heart! Life is cruel!

Miss you brother!

Your twinkling eyes #NotADayGoesByOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz