Part 18

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After fraction of second the tide pushed out the boat from its hold.

Siddhant opened his eyes and saw the tide have left them alive in the boat.

Siddhant: Harish & ROli we are safe.  Dont worry.

Both opened their eyes.

Harish was excited.

Roli kissed on Siddhant cheeks in happiness.

SIddhant too kissed on Roli's cheeks in excitement.

But the excitment didn't long last...

Siddhant understood the boat is damaged on the hit.

SIddhant: ROli we got some bad news too.  We cant stay long in this boat.  It is damaged.

Roli & Harish: What???

Siddhant: yes.  so we need to jump out of this boat before it sink and save ourself.

Roli: Oh God!

Siddhant: Roli & Harish bring that bag.

He packed the certificates & medical kit in water proof bag kept inside the boat.

ALl were already wearing the life jacket.

SIddhant took the bag on his shoulders on both side.

Siddhant: Roli & Harish, lets jump out and swim towards the coastal.

Harish & Siddhant knows swimming well as they were trained before joining here in the center.

But ROli was not expert in swimming.

Roli: Siddhant, i know swimming but not an expert.  I fear i can't swim.

Siddhant: ROli dont worry.

Siddhant gave the bag to Harish to carry on his shoulders.

Harish took it.

Siddhant: Roli hold me tightly.

ROli: How will you swim if I hold you?

Siddhant: Roli your life is more important for your man.  SO i will save you.

ROli: You will save me.  i have belief in my man.  But i want my man safe.

Siddhant: I promise you i will be with you forever.

Siddhant promised while Thunder gave voice as if echo/acceptance for his promise.

Roli hold SIddhant tightly.

All the three jumped into water and started swimming.

Roli as she knows she too tried her best to swim.

Siddhant put his full efforts to swim with her.

Harish swim on his own.

They started moving towards the coastal.

They tried to move fast with the help of waves moving forward towards coastal...

Siddhant with roli & HARISH reached the coastal after few hours of struggling.

They took fast breathes landing in the sand.

They were very tired & unable to move for long 

Still excited that they are alive.

Siddhant looked at roli.

Siddhant: roli are you OK.

Roli: why not when my man is with me.

Roli hug him and cried.

Siddhant: hi roli why are you crying.

Roli: how much pain you have taken for me?

Siddhant: what pain for my angel?

Siddhant kissed her on her cheeks.

After relaxing a while they got up.

HARISH: siddhant will see you later.

Siddhant: OK HARISH take care.

He went.

Rosid catched a taxi to go to roli house.

After reaching there roli remembered their bag left with HARISH.

Roli took the 2nd key from her neighbour & opened the door.

Rosid entered into the house.

Rosid were full of sand as they were in the sand for sometime.

Roli: siddhant you take bath and give your dress. I will wash it. 

Siddhant took bath & came out wrapping a towel.

Roli washed his dress & put it for drying 

Then she took bath.

After taking bath roli prepared hot food for them.

They had food feeding each other.

Siddhant was feeling tired & looked at roli.

Roli: siddhant what happened? Are you OK?

Siddhant pulled her closer.

Siddhant: roli will you give what I ask?

Roli: anything you can ask. I am yours.

Siddhant: roli darling can you become mine today...

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