"What did you take, Inho?"

"Take?" he unsuspectingly asks and continues to smile at me brightly. If he himself doesn't know whether he has taken drugs, someone else must have given them to him.

"What have you been drinking?

"Weeeeell... uuuhm... a Coke... and three shots... and a drink that was all blue and tingling on the tongue and so strangely bitter...", he enumerates. Blue and bitter doesn't sound good at all because the only intense blue cocktail I saw on the menu - named Blue Lagoon - should be squeaky sweet. Now that I can hear Inhos voice better thanks to the lack of background music, I also notice that he speaks very unclearly.

"Who are you here with?"

"With people from uni..."

"Let's go."

"But we wanted to-," he begins to protest and stretches out his hands to me. He puts on a look that would probably be very seductive if he had a clear mind and I wasn't worried. Now he just kinda stares and makes a duck face with his puffy big lips.

"We're going to my house, okay?"

"Do you like me so much that you want to take me with you right away?", he giggles.

"Well, yes... I like you", I answer and that's the truth. "So, are you coming with me?"

He nods and lets me guide him out of the sanitary area. It scares me a little scared how he follows me without thinking twice. The best thing to do is to put him into bed and let him come down from the stuff that intoxicates him. In this condition it would be very dangerous to leave him to himself.

"I have to get my stuff", he informs me so I escort him to a table where a bunch of annoyingly looking young people are sitting.

"Heyyy," Inho shouts and grabs his jacket, "I'm going home with him now!"

"Lol, what kind of an asshole are you?" a blonde girl whose face is so heavily painted with make-up that you could think she wears a mask asks. Did she really just say lol?

"Everyone knows that you don't take advantage of anyone in such a condition," she hypocritically adds. I have a strong need to show her my stinky finger, even though such behaviour is not my style at all. Instead, I immediatley flip out and grab her by the collar of her top which sits so loose that I almost undress her unintentionally. To be well dressed is something fundamentally different. Anxiously she looks up at me.

"So you are the ones who put him on drugs? Interesting." Seeing my devious, angry smile, she gets even more scared, just like the other people at the table. Only Inho doesn't notice anything and still smiles.

"Stay away from him", I growl with a deep, threatening voice. Then I let her go, so that she plops back onto her chair with a disturbed expression on her face. I don't shot a single glance at the others. I grab Inhos hand and pull him away from them. They are very bad company for him.

"Are they your friends?", I ask him as soon as we get out of the bar.

"I don't know yet. I know some of them from uni, but today was the first time I went out with them when they invited me."

"Promise me that you will get out of their way. They're not good for you."

"Well, if you say so. I promise you!" It makes me feel sick how easily he gives me that promise. Who knows what could have happened if he came across the wrong people? Well, he already went out with the wrong people. Hopefully he will remember tomorrow what he promised me.

In the tram he leans against my shoulder and almost falls asleep. He looks really cute when he's tired.

Inho can hardly keep his eyes open on our way home. I take off his trousers and somehow manage to tuck him in. I skip brushing my teeth, even though I surely will regret it tomorrow. As soon as I lie down next to him, he snuggles up to me. "You wanted to sleep with me," he mumbles.

Blue Lagoon - Inho x Hyunuk OSWhere stories live. Discover now