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Happy 2nd anniversary IN2IT! 💖

I empty my third shot in one go because I have nothing better to do since my companion left me for someone else right after we entered the bar. Usually I never go to bars hence I don't enjoy myself very much at this place but I think it's way to early to go home. The whole evening would have been a waste of time. Might as well try some good drinks.

Before I can order another one and and drink my way through the whole menu, a small guy is approaching me. "Hello!", he says loud and cheerfully. He doesn't give me a chance to answer his kind greeting, instead he directly asks a very interesting question: "Do you want to sleep with me?"

"Sure, why not?", my brain, dizzy from the alcohol, says. But one step after the other... "Shouldn't we kiss first?", I suggest.

He nods enthusiastically. On closer inspection he's not that small, he just appears like that because I'm sitting on the high bar stool. As soon as I slide down, we are almost at eye level. I gently grab his neck and look at his beautiful lips for a moment before I press mine on them. They are wonderfully soft and fit perfectly against my own as we move them in a balanced harmony.

I didn't expect anything like this to happen to me here. Maybe I should go to bars more often? Or even take the guy home with me? Normally I wouldn't do this but we seem to match so perfectly. The whole world is a wonderful place right now.

The massive amount of alcohol starts to kick in and makes me forget that I surely will regret everything my head starts to imagine with this guy. We should stop but his lips feel and taste so good!

After finally breaking the kiss I notice his eyes. His gaze is restless and something about his appearance is odd.

"What is your name?", I ask.


"I am Hyunuk."

"I know", he smugly says. Because of the special shape of his mouth the corners of lips are constantly pointing upwards even when he is not smiling. But he smiles a lot.

"Oh? Why?"

"I know you from uni... I liked you for a long time," he says with a beaming smile. If he had a clear mind, he certainly wouldn't tell me that so openly. This is alerting and makes me sober up within a second.

"And why are you telling me this now?"

"I don't know... I feel so brave today and the others also said that I should do it." That doesn't sound good. "It was a good idea, wasn't it? You even kissed me..."

"Sure, you're cute, Inho."

Like a little child who's just getting chocolate, he's happy about the compliment and bounces back and forth on his feet. Suddenly I feel the urgent need to protect this man.

"Come with me, please."

"Will you sleep with me now?"

"Not here... just come with me." I take him by the hand and lead him to the toilets where the lighting is better. Expectantly he looks back and forth between me and one of the cabins. No, I won't have sex with him in the toilet now and also never ever. Public toilets are disgusting.

Under the neon tube on the mirror above the sink I take a deep look into his eyes. They're so dark, the pupils are barely visible, but I look at them him closely and notice that the pupils are only the size of a pinhead. I pull out my phone and light them with my flashlight. He blinks irritated but the pupils do not change, not even after I turn off the bright light again. That is not normal.

Blue Lagoon - Inho x Hyunuk OSWhere stories live. Discover now