Chapter One

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WARNING! Slight smut

Chapter One

Louis Tomlinson shuffled about his “cozy” apartment, not able to think straight at all. It was nearly midnight, yet he was wide awake. He honestly tried to pin the reason of this to work stress but that didn’t give any release. 

It was the emerald eyes; they were haunting him to the core. Another thought of them sent shivers up his spine, and he paused in the tiny kitchen, resting his palms on the counter to keep himself stationary.

What was it about those eyes that were getting to him so badly?

Louis was never put off kilter, especially just by a look, but this was different. Very very different. 

He resorted to chewing on his bottom lip as he rifled through his bare fridge, sighing out frustratedly with it’s limited contents of some sort of cheese, old looking bread, an apple, and a six pack of beer. 

He chose the beer.

He walked the mere 2 steps to his living room, sitting on the couch, staring at the wall as he downed the alcohol. 

He was in such an off state he didn’t even realize that he finally passed out at one, beer bottle lolling in his hand, and when he awoke to the distant sound of his alarm screaming, he groaned- loudly. His neck ached, his mouth cottony and dry, back cracking with every movement he made. 

He padded quickly into his bedroom to silence the annoying blaring, standing in the silence that followed. He rubbed his eyes, the gesture instantly reminding him of the android, and his breath came out in a shudder.

343 minutes left.

He stared at his computer screen, focusing on his own reflection that was subtly there in the black panes. He was sporting a skull splitting headache, and his neck still ached from his awkward sleeping position.

His mind kept slipping, kept returning to its eyes, to the lingering and idle questions of wondering what his skin felt like, if he felt just as real as he looked. 

He was snapped out of his daze when someone tapped him on the shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping around to stare up at Liam, who’s eyebrows were raised. 

“Come on, it’s Lunch break.” He reminded, and Louis let out a relieved sigh, standing and following him and the other hundreds of people filing to the 6 employee elevators. 

In the huge cafeteria, Louis spotted Niall, another of his work friends, sitting in their regular table at the back left corner. He weaved around the tables, skipping out on getting actual food- not necessarily having an appetite. 

The man looked up from his phone, throwing a cheeky grin his way. Louis sat down with a huff next to him, and Niall patted him on the back. 

“H’are ya, mate?” He questioned, leaning on his palm and raising his brows, studying the mans face who looked utterly tired and disheveled. 

“Good.. good.” Louis answered less than convincingly, his voice cracking and weary. Niall, being the empathetic person he was, just scoffed, rolling his eyes mid chew of some suspicious looking food.

“Yeah right, what is it?” He pressed, straightening up to look him straight in the eye, which didn’t last long due to Louis diverting his eyes and clearing his throat. He was relieved for the topic changer of Liam sitting down across from them with his food, waving at the two. 

He didn’t last long in evading the topic of himself, Liam looked him over with a disapproving glance, sighing. 

“You alright, Lou? You’ve been acting so distant today.” His voice was soaked in genuine care, and Louis felt half bad for acting so stupid over a damned robot. He nodded profusely, sighing. 

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