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haha bro so sexy lmao

its been two months oops 

someeee art but not all of it because some of it sucks and by some I mean the majority 

(order oldest to newest)

art trade with the hecka talented artsloop on Insta 

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art trade with the hecka talented artsloop on Insta 

art trade with the hecka talented artsloop on Insta 

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persona update even tho I never use them 

persona update even tho I never use them 

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little study I suppose

indulgent quick draw before inktober,,,which I'm doing this year kinda (only doing half of inktober) 

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indulgent quick draw before inktober,,,which I'm doing this year kinda (only doing half of inktober) 

here are some of my drawings so far!!! little warning btw, there's slight gore

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favorites!! ^^

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favorites!! ^^

favorites!! ^^

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not so great ones but my most recent

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not so great ones but my most recent

and as for me:

 high school is going dandy-of course it's not perfect but soooo much better than middle school. I'm not gonna pretend high school is the peak of life, because I know it's not, but it's satisfying to let go of whatever the past few years were because they were a mess

like I actually have friends?? and people talk to me?? I don't have a huge group of course, but they're genuine. honestly, pretty much no one from my middle school cared about me, so it's a nice change

I actually got invited to homecoming last week?? and it was fun or the most part?? I've never gone to a dance before that so don't have anything to compare to

my grades are still all As somehow too haha

life is pretty average, I'm all good with that though

as for you guys:

as for you guys:

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have a rad life y'all <3

10.19.19 (we're so close to 2020???)

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