The greatest

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"I miss Long Beach and I miss you, babe

I miss dancing with you the most of all

I miss the bar where the Beach Boys would go

Dennis's last stop before Kokomo

Those nights were on fire

We couldn't get higher

We didn't know that we had it all

But nobody warns you before the fall

And I pray that you stay

Don't leave, I just need a wake-up call

I'm facing the greatest

The greatest loss of them all

The culture is lit and I had a ball

I guess I'm signing off after all"

The heat was making Ben dizzy, the sun was showing all his power and there was no sunscreen capable of saving any bright white skin from getting even just a little burned. He felt lost, trying to understand the words on the signs, but for a non portuguese speaker it was impossible from understanding even one single word. The fear started to grow on his chest, would he ever find his way around Rio? Would she even accept to see him? How would she react to seeing his face after everything he made her go through?

Ben hoped it would all seem like one great love surprise, a big jump into fixing what was broken, a romantic gesture he hoped was enough. A thought rushed trough his mind, on how Carol would always tell him how she missed her country, on all the promises of trips and portuguese classes he put on hold to try to survive the process of being fake accused, which wasn't an excuse at all and he knew that very well. 

His hair was wet from heat, him skin hot and starting to burn around the hands, he just wanted to rip apart his jeans and jump in the cold sea water, but the purpose of this trip wasn't to have fun, it wasn't vacation, it was way beyond trying to be a nice guy, it was all about having her back and forgiveness. 

The city passed fast as Ben watched it from the car window as his uber took him to the address Mae gave him. Carol wouldn't respond to his texts or calls after announcing coldly and fast that she wasn't in London anymore, so he had to ask everyone for a slight chance to get her address and that was Mae, the only one who gave in and told him to go chase her back. 

Ben never felt so afraid in his entire life, the feeling of certainty of the "no" or any curse word was making him shake to his bone, beyond that, his palm hands were sweaty and his throat dry as the desert. He watched the ocean, the sea and thought of how much he wanted to be there with her. Did she go to the beach everyday? Was she lonely? Was she hurt? Did she fall into her old vices? Was she happy? Or worse, was she happy without him?

Finally the car stopped. Ben left his things at the hotel earlier, he had just his phone, his wallet and a ring on his pockets. 

It was a small house, seemed rented, which did calm him a little bit, maybe, after all, it wasn't a permanent decision to hide in Rio, she could come back. He pressed a button and the bell rang. Soon he heard key noises and the door opened. Carol looked surprised, she had her sunglasses on, but quickly took it off. She was wearing a loose white sundress, he hair was loose and looked a bit oily, probably from the sweat, her cheeks were read, she looked kissed by the sun, she looked gorgeous and tanned. 

For a second there were no words, just staring and awkward silence filling the air. 

Ben wanted to bend the knee and propose, he had the ring right there, but didn't know what to do, he was too afraid of the "no", of her hating him, of rejection, of not getting her back, of the slight chance of never ever seeing her again. He looked into her deep eyes and got lost for a second, they used to look so full of life, but now they seemed tired, but still felt like home. He noticed Carol looked a bit different, she was holding a bottle of vitamins, her breasts looked a bit bigger, she definitely was more tanned and what seemed looking tired also looked like she was glowing.

"I have so many things to say, to apologize, I'm such an idiot and" he finally started to say, but was quickly interrupted  by Carol.

"Ben, I'm pregnant" she dropped the bomb and soon, silence filled the air once again.

Seven Seas of Rhye || Ben Hardy || COMPLETED ||Where stories live. Discover now