Chapter 23 - Oh Boy....

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*Stepper call sunstreaker for The amazing news*

Sunstreaker: STEPPER!

Stepper: hey babe!

Sunstreaker: i been so worry about you!

Stepper: sorry love, but we got amazing news!

Sunstreaker: oh really? Well what is it?

Stepper: You are not gonna like it but, sideswipe is ... Pregnant

*Sunstreaker was in shock*

Sunstreaker: WHAT!? WITH WHO!?

Stepper: with jazz! My twin brother!

Jazz: h-hi...

Sunstreaker: i'll be there tomorrow 😳💢

*He cuts the call*

Jazz gulp in fear

Sideswipe: dont worry he Will not kill you, Will he?

Steeper shrug

Sideswipe: oh boy...

A/N: sorry for not update for The couple few Days, i been busy doin' some papers for my school report (no not the report for tye teachers , a report for doing My work in school)
but i'll be update every free time Since i had si many roleplays!

Glowing in the dark {Sideswipe x Jazz}Where stories live. Discover now