Translated my Story X3

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Here X3

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" shouted BoBoiBoy as he was chased by a weird looking golem.

"Don't even think of escaping this planet safely! Come here!" roared the golem.

*Five hours earlier*

"Have you all heard of the story about Polari Planet's Magnifique Crystal?" asked Admiral Tarung to BoBoiBoy and his friends one day.

"No, Admiral," BoBoiBoy answered, as he took a bite off his cream filled bread. It was recess at that time, Admiral Tarung had just turned into his nicer form.

"Yeah, Admiral," said Yaya.

"What's so interesting about the crystal, Admiral?" asked Ying.

"The Crystal is very important for TAPOPS station. Moreover, I've been yearning to collect the crystal," Admiral Tarung replied. "But..."

"But what, Admiral?" asked Gopal.

"But Polari Planet was guarded by a menacing gigantic golem, and getting out of the planet is very challenging, as the golem shows no mercy. Moreover, teleportation powers would drain fast as the crystal has a weird power that absorbs bits of energy sensed by it. Eesh, there's no hope to complete my collection..." sighed the admiral.

"Haish..." everybody sighed.

Suddenly, BoBoiBoy has an idea.

"It's okay, Admiral," said BoBoiBoy, full of motivation. "I'll get the crystal for TAPOPS station and your collection."

"WHAT?!?" shrieked Gopal. "Are you serious?!?"

"Yeah," BoBoiBoy answered. "I'll head to Polari Planet and collect the weird crystal."

"Wait, BoBoiBoy!" Admiral Tarung called.

"What is it, Admiral?" asked BoBoiBoy.

"The planet gets crazy cold at night! Be careful, BoBoiBoy- it's better if you stay in the station, BoBoiBoy," advised the admiral.

"Okay, Admiral... HEP!" replied BoBoiBoy as he saluted to the admiral.

Yet, BoBoiBoy secretly headed to Polari Planet that afternoon with the help of Ochobot, who was forced to keep it all as a secret.

"Oh dear, what have I done..." sighed Ochobot, full of regret.

*Back to five hours later*

"Give me back the Magnifique Crystal!!!!!" roared the golem.

At that very moment, Adu Du and Probe were hiding behind a tree. The truth is, they also wanted the crystal to strengthen the power and energy of their spaceship, as well as sell the remainder to gain wealth.

"When will we take action, Mr. Boss?" asked Probe.

"Ish, be quiet!" Adu Du scolded. "BoBoiBoy was in the middle of being chased!"

"Hah, I have an idea!" said Probe as he whispered into Adu Du's antennae. Adu Du laughed sinisterly.

"Shh, Mr. Boss, or he'll hear us!" Probe warned.

"Oh! Shh..." Adu Du replied awkwardly.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Golem! I need this crystal for good!" pleaded BoBoiBoy.

"What good? Your good? Stingy!" scolded the Golem.

"Hey~" they both hear a voice. "I'm sorry..."

Adu Du and Probe appeared in their tourist disguises.

"What do you two want?" asked the giant golem.

"Eh- it's Adu Du and Probe!" BoBoiBoy murmured.

"Eh, who are they?" asked Adu Du. "Hey, we know this weird kid!"

"Yeah!" Probe continued. "He once hurt my boss's arm with his powers!"

"What?!?" BoBoiBoy and the golem both shouted in disbelief.

"Hey, what's with you, Adu Du?" BoBoiBoy asked, angered.

"Hah, look, how rude!" Adu Du said angrily.

Adu Du proceeded to show his bandaged arm to the golem.

"My arm almost shattered after BoBoiBoy's attacks, only the power of the Magnifique Crystal can cure it... That BoBoiBoy is too dangerous..." Adu Du moaned with a fake cry.

"Eh, really?" asked the golem.

"Don't believe him, Mr. Golem, he's lying!" BoBoiBoy warned. "He once stole my grandpa's cocoa powder-"

"Ah... sweet memories... Eh- no, no, of course not..." Adu Du realised something.

"Cocoa?" asked the golem in disbelief. "I thought cocoa... doesn't exist anymore?"

"Yeah...?" Adu Du replied.

"Your grandpa has COCOA?!?" The golem asked with shock.

BoBoiBoy looked at the golem in confusion.

"Cocoa has great powers, which surpasses those of my Magnifique Crystals!" explained the golem.

"Oh, really, Mr. Golem?" asked BoBoiBoy happily.

At that moment, a big teleportation hole opened, and Admiral Tarung, along with BoBoiBoy's friends, appeared in front of the golem.

"BoBoiBoy! Be careful, BoBoiBoy!" shouted Gopal.

"Hah, look, Mr. Golem, he has plans!" Adu Du sneaked his chance.

"What?!? Come here you all!!!"

"Wait, Mr. Golem! Wait, you all! Wait!"

BoBoiBoy was too late. They had started to fight. Adu Du and Probe went back to the same tree to hide.

"Taste this!!!" shouted the golem.

"Let go off our friend!" shouted Ying.

"Stop, stop all of this!!!" pleaded BoBoiBoy.

At that moment, Adu Du and Probe had a long sigh. They escaped from the attacks of the golem and BoBoiBoy's friends.

"Look at that, Mr. Boss!" shouted Probe suddenly.

"What- Eh...?"

Probe had found a few pieces of crystal at an area which was just a stone's throw away from the tree where they hid. Adu Du laughed sinisterly.

"We're gonna be rich!" they both laughed.

"Mr. Golem! Behind you!" shouted BoBoiBoy.

"Hah? You two... get on my nerves!!!" The golem started running towards Adu Du and Probe's direction. "How dare you trick me!"

"AAAAAAAHHH!!!" Adu Du and Probe were both thrown into the sky as the crystal shone. The both of them were shrunken by the crystal's power.

"Hehehe, awesome!" BoBoiBoy laughed.

"Serves you right!" Gopal continued.

Admiral Tarung then told the golem about everything, and finally he realised and agreed to trade a bag of crystals with a barrel of Tok Aba's cocoa.

"Luckily the commander preordered Tok Aba's cocoa before this, BoBoiBoy!" said Gopal.

"Yeah, he's so awesome!" BoBoiBoy replied with a cheery smile.

Suddenly, the night came without any warning. Everybody was frozen in ice.

"Uh..." Gopal moaned as he fell down. "Flipped..."

The End!

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