99. Twój drugi ulubiony cytat jego autorstwa

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Tony - "A famous man once said, ‘we create our own demons"

Steve - "What makes you so special? Nothing, I'm just a kid from Brooklyn"

Loki - "There are no man like me"

Thor - "I'm only alive because fate wants me alive"

Clint - "I have done the whole mind control thing. Not a fan"

Bruce - "That's my secret: I'm always angry"

Bucky - "Who the hell is Bucky?"

Peter - "But I'm nothing without this suit"

Scott - "Someone peed my pants! Not sure if it was the baby-me or the old me"

Pietro - "You know I'm twelve minutes older than you"

Sam - "Avenging is your world. Your world is crazy"

Stephen - "They really should put the warnings before spell it"

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