Adult Stan Uris (Imagine-Tiny Fluff)

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If Stanley Uris Didn't Commit Die...

"Hello, Stanley Uris speaking?"

"Stanley. It's Mike."



"It's back, isn't it?"

* * *

My legs are shaking with every step I take. When I got that fucking phone call from Mike? At first I had no clue what he was talking about.

But when he said it's been 27 years since everything happened, I had to quickly finish the phone call to tell him I would fly back to Derry before I threw everything up that I ate at lunch and still kept vomiting.

Me and Stanley were probably the most scared when it came to dealing with Pennywise. I was with Beverly and we both saw those little lights that was deep inside the clown's throat. When I woke up, I felt Stanley Uris' lips on mine. I had no idea what to do and when me and Stan left the Club oath day, we came to the separating point of our path and he kissed me.

It's the one thing I remember as I walk toward this fancy restaurant, Jade Of The Orient. Stan had cupped my face and kissed me, and I kissed him back with a soft passion before we said goodbye.

A couple of years later however and my father got a job in Philadelphia so I moved there with him and got a cliche job as a waitress.

Now...I'm here.


"Bill! Oh my God!!" I run up to him and wrap my arms around him, and he chuckles into my arms and I chuckle into his.

Mike smiles with his arms crossed in the distance across the room and I back up a bit.

"You look really good! It's been a while!" Bill grins.

"It has." I grin. I turn to Mike, then Bill. "It's been too fucking long that I haven't had the same friends the way I had you guys."

"Well, I bet this little reunion will definitely make everyone feel better." Mike grins.

I want to see Stan...

"I'm so glad you guys came. I didn't think anyone would come." Mike says sadly.

"Of course we'd come. Losers..."

I pause, trying to remember what to say.

"Got to stick together?" Bill says in a bit of a questionable way.

"You remember that!" Mike says astonished. "What else do you two remember?"

"I'm allergic to soy, anything that has egg in it, uh, gluten, and if I eat a cashew I could...realistically die."

Holy shit Eddie looks different!

The three of us, being awkward fuck heads in Richie's words, stand there smiling at him.


"Oh my god."

Suddenly, we hear a gong and I flinch which makes Eddie chuckle.

"JESUS!" I scoff.

"Is it just me or has the Loser's club officially begun?"


"Look at these guys." Eddie chuckles. I look around the room for Stan but there's no sign of him. I puff up my cheeks and pout, starting to get worried.

Everyone says hello to each other and we get food on our plates, settling in and having some sort of shots.

"So wait, Eddie you got married?"

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