Chapter 18: Video

Start from the beginning

Her Weibo post was written this way: Absolutely Spys live CV audition. Absolutely live kouji performance. All original, without any additives!

At this way, when This brother is especially handsomes post appeared, it caused a commotion in two different industries.

It was posted at 10:30 in the morning, and in less than ten minutes, it had already been forwarded 4,000 times, and this number continued to increase. This was because it also involved Xue Bai Ping, so his fans started to pay attention to it. From one, it turned into ten. Ten turned into a hundred, and so on!

This brother is very handsomes original intentions were to share her findings with her co-fans, but she did not expect it to cause a trend. What she meant to express was that the new voice actor was handsome, and had professional skills. He was almost equal to Xue Bai Ping. He also showed a kouji performance which she captured, so she had to share what she saw and heard with the others!

There were now three trends: First, Wei Zi Juns fans began to discuss the issue of the auditioning voice actors in Spy. A fan said that the newcomers skills werent enough to take on this role. Absolutely must not. X. X. X; There were fans who said that the newcomers kouji was so high that they could only see his dust and have no hope of catching up. He should be used as Wei Zi Juns standard voice actor; There were also fans who stayed neutral and waited for the official announcement.

Fan 1: This level of achievement, and also a CV! The director isnt blind right?

Fan 2: Kouji? Did he learn kouji? So not all people who learn kouji were arrogant, people who look down on s...o...b..z!

Fan 3: I think its okay, and that its pretty good. Its rare to find someone who learned kouji that is this handsome, that isnt bald and fat.

Fat, hahaha.

Fan 4: Bald and fat 2333333 @ A certain kouji masters third apprentice @ Actually I am 80s black fan

Fan 5: Waiting for the official voice acting results. +1

Fan 6: Waiting for the official voice acting results. +1

Fan 7: Waiting for the official voice acting results. +1

Fan N: Waiting for the official voice acting results. +N

Second, because there were two people who appeared in the video. One of them was Xue Bai Ping, an idol actor. The twos attractiveness were compared, but they couldnt identify who was more handsome. Only the side profile of the CV was shown in the video, you couldnt see the full face. Must not compare. Previously on Weibo was a photo of a harpy eagles side profile. It was an animal that had the perfect side profile, but the most stupid front view of the face. If that CV was that type, then they certainly must not compare with their Ping Ping, k! Thats just stupid ah!

Xue Bai Pings fans were busy discussing the attractiveness of the new CV, while on the other hand, they were criticizing the video. He shouldnt have frightened their familys Ping Ping! Also, what was their relations.h.i.+p! Their Ping Ping wasnt close to stars in the entertainment industry. Their Ping Ping is really cold, k!

Fan 1: Ah ah ah, my Ping is the most handsome!

Fan 2: The new CV is surely a harpy eagle, cannot be more accurate!

Fan 3: Who is he? My Ping refusted to acknowledge him just now, surely he is thinking of using my Ping for hype!

Fan 4: Just pa.s.sing by. PS. The side profiles handsome.

Fan 5: Just pa.s.sing by. PS. The side profiles handsome.

Fan 6: Just pa.s.sing by. PS. The side profiles handsome.

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