chapter 1

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The morning air was damp from the previous night's rain. Deer can be seen running through the vast wooded area. This was Lupas favorite time of day, so quiet and peaceful you could hear the birds chirping from a mile away. 

She jumped from the large tree she had been sitting in onto the leafy forest floor to the sound of leaves crunching beneath her feet. It was good to get away from the pack life every once in awhile, what with her dad always trying to aggravate her. 

“You need to be a strong Alpha Lupa you are going to lead this pack one day. You need to be able to catch prey for the pack and to defend your pups. Max will never want you if you’re weak. ” He had told her this many times.

Truth is she didn’t want to marry Max and she really did not care about running the pack. There is only one thing she cared about and that was Amara, but that was her dirty little secret. It’s not that she was ashamed of Amara but if anyone ever found out that the Alpha of the Shadow pack is with a female Omega then she would be disowned. Her only choice was to hide it from everyone and that included her father Magnus. 

Running through the woods made her feel free as if nothing could catch her, not her problems not her worries. She only slowed down when she entered the packs camp, it was a small area with multiple tents strewn in many places. The border of the camp is where the Omegas tents were, then came the Betas and finally at the center of the camp was the Alphas tents. Lupa had finally gotten her own tent placed directly beside her parents' tent about a year ago for her sixteenth birthday.

“Your going to need a place to have your pups with Max soon.” Her Mother had told her with a wink.

 Instead of arguing about having pups she said nothing. Lupa was thrilled to finally have her own tent now she had more freedom. 

She entered her tent with a sigh and plopped down on her deerskin bed and threw her dark grey hoodie on the dirt floor. 

“Lupa get over here!” Her father, Magnus shouted from his tent.

What did he want now? She entered the other tent and came face to face with her father Magnus.

“Good morning to you too dad.” She says snarkily. 

“Lupa where were you just at?” Magnus asks as his daughter sits on a chair near the entrance.

“In the woods.”

“What were you doing in the woods?”

“Just running.”

“I don't want you going off into the woods alone anymore, take someone with you. Maybe Max would go with you?”

“Yeah maybe.” She said clearly ignoring him. “I got to go dad.”

An angry look crosses his face. “Where are you heading?”

“Hunting.” She says getting up fast.

“I will send the hunting party with you.”

Instead of responding she quickly transforms into her wolf self. A beautiful white wolf is soon standing in her place. She runs from the tent as fast as possible, leaving her father in his tent yelling frantically. 

“Lupa get back here!” 

Of course she doesn't listen to him and is quickly consumed by the woods.

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