chapter 2

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Lupa runs through the woods at the speed of lighting, knowing exactly where she was going. Once she reached the stream she jumped onto a large boulder to wait for Amara.

It felt as if time had stopped, where was she? Then a sudden movement in the bushes catches her attention, a black wolf emerges. The other wolf jumps onto the boulder and begins to rub heads with Lupa. 

They both change back into their human form, smiles on their faces.

“I missed you.” Amara says as she kisses the other girl.

Lupa happily kisses her back. “I missed you to my Omega.”

They sit on the boulder in silence just holding one another as if their lives depend on it. They were Soulmates, after all but and Alpha and Omega together was just not heard of. 

Lupa knew someday someone would find out about her and Amara and it would then spread like wildfire. Her parents would find out and disown her and maybe even throw her and Amara out of the pack. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Amara, she was Lupus everything, her way to escape the horrendous world. 

“I love you my beautiful Omega.” Lupa whispered into her ear almost too quiet for her to hear.

Amara laid her head on Lupus shoulder. “I love you'' to Alpha. “So what should we do today?”

“Well I was thinking we should go hunting and then I have a little surprise for you.” Lupa says with a bright smile as she kisses her girlfriends head.

“What's the surprise?” Amara looks up at her with curious eyes.

“Well if I told you then it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?” Lupa says with a short laugh before transforming, Amara quickly follows her example.

They share an exited yap before running even deeper into the woods to look for prey.

Only mere minutes go by before Lupa picks up the scent of a rabbit it only takes one more minute for her to have caught and killed the rabbit. She picks up the dead corpse with her strong jaws and throws it over to Amara who snatches it from the air. 

Lupa follows the other she wolf to a secluded spot behind a rather large tree. They both lay down beside one another and share the rabbit. 

In normal pack standards Omegas were not allowed to eat anything until the Alphas and betas had finished. Lupa didn't care about pack standards, in her mind Amara was just as equal as her. 

The two had originally met when they were just a young pup before they had presented their rank. Lupa had been the first in the group to present and her parents were thrilled to find out she was an Alpha like them. Once she had presented she was moved to live with her parents, if she had been any other rank than Alpha she would not of been able to live with them. 

Amara was one of the last few of the pups to present and when she turned out to be an Omega she was taken to live with the other Omegas. Her Beta parents had been devastated to lose their pup, but they knew it was for the best. 

The two pups didn't see one another for years until they were both fifteen. Amara had been ordered to catch and bring food to Lupa. They ended up talking and promised to meet each other later. 

Their meeting began to get closer and closer together, just as they were getting closer. Eventually Amara had finally kissed Lupa and ever since then they had been together. 

Once they had finished eating Lupa nudged the Omega signaling her to follow.  She leads them to a small field covered in flowers of every color. 

Amara lets out a happy yelp and runs into the field, Lupa close on her tail.

They ran around the field for hours before finally collapsing under the setting sun. They fall asleep beside a tree curled up together in a ball. Lupa does not look forward to the conversation she will be forced to have with her father tomorrow.

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