Spider-man vs. Rhino

Start from the beginning

"It sounds to me that you two have some alliance going considering you both have the word spider in your names. I can see it now; Spider couple has gone rogue." Jameson claims and as usual is wrong again though this does give Spider-woman an idea, not one of her first choices, which will keep the old man off their backs.

"You know Jameson I would be hurt if you put that article out." Spider-woman pouts as she began to activate her special pheromones that start to affect J.J and the police.

"Um, we wouldn't want that Ms. Spider-woman. I tell you what how about we forgot about that article and pretended this whole event never happen." Jameson suggests while under the effects of Spider-woman's ability.

"I like the sound of that, but it would make me happy if you, for now, say nice and positive things about Spider-man as he is already dealing with a lot as it," Spider-woman commands.

"Consider it done!" Jameson nods his head quickly agreeing to do just what she said.

"Thank you now, have a great night." Before he could ask what she meant, Spider-man knocks him out feeling proud actually to give him what he deserves.

"You boys have a good day." She tells the two officers with them staring at her walking away.

"We will." They both salute to her.

Once she gets on top of the building, Spider-woman made a gagging noise from how she seduced that man. "I didn't want to resort to using that method, but that will at least keep them off Peter's back for a bit." Sighing to herself, Spider-woman refocuses on catching up with Spider-man. "With that said I need to find Spidey before the cops catch up to him."

"Why worry about another Spider when you should be worried about yourself." A sudden dark voice catches Spider-woman off guard for when she turns around she only sees a fist slamming her in face knocking her out cold.

*Meanwhile with Spider-man*

"Stay where you are Spider-man!" The NYPD task force orders from the attack copper that is now chasing Spider-man on the rooftops of the city.

"You are after the wrong guy!" Spider-man tries to explain while dodging bullets and missile attacks as well as local NYPD waiting to attack him. Knowing that attacking them would just make his case look worst Spider-man does his best to avoid as much confrontation as possible while keeping his self from getting captured.

"These guys won't let up!" Spider-man continues to travel and escape the attack copper that is still on his tail. The only reason he hasn't activated his camouflage from his suit is that copper would most likely find a heat signature of him thus making his suit useless.

Heading towards another building Spider-man again avoids getting hit my multiple missile attacks aimed at him. "That was close!"

"Stay where you are and raise your hands over your head." The NYPD task force orders again with Spider-man yelling back, "How about telling that to the imposter!"

Still traveling on the rooftops, Spider-man still prevents taking on the NYPD that were waiting on him while saying, "I'm innocent!"

After what seemed like an eternity Spider-man runs through two towers causing the attack copper to accidentally rams into one. "Impact! Just hit a transmitting tower, I got to land this thing now!" As the copper went flying to the ground, Spider-man watches on while catching his breath.

"Hey, wise-guy you gonna pay for that tower or pin that on me instead!?" Spider-man jokes until his spider-sense go off. "Uh oh, spider-sense tingling. One more step and it's a load of web fluid sticking you to that wall." Spider-man turns and aims his hand towards the person creeping up on him.

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