Getting there (slowly)

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Thankfully the trio managed to get back to school despite the weather and got the attention of the school nurse,who called the ambulance.

However Fresh and Dream still had school,so they both had to return to their classes.

Fresh on the other hand got into big trouble from his teacher and basically had to make it up by missing next week lunch.

As much as that bummed him out,his mind was more preoccupied with concern on Error's health.

He found himself staring mindlessly outside the window,his hands fidgeting and running against his boney knuckles.

Maybe...he should visit Error in the hospital,if his mom allows it,maybe he should bring a gift for Error.

What would he bring?

Flowers?....Hmm no Error has a bit of a masculinity issue and probably thinks it's gay or something.

Though he might have something at home Error could use since he's stuck there at the hospital for at least a few days.

It's worth a shot.


Error stared at the white ceiling above him blankly,his mind was tuning out the voice of his mother telling him various things he wasn't interested in knowing.

"Error,Estas prestando atención?" His mother's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

" Hhhhhhhmmmmm nope " He said blankly, lifting his head slightly not bother to move more since his view was blocked by his leg,up in his air.

She let out a sigh,"Bello,I know your in a bit of a state of shock but I'm really worried about you,going off and hurting yourself!"

Error turned his head to look away from his mom,getting a disappointed sigh from her.

"Dime lo que sucedió hun,did you old 'friends' try to hurt you?"

" No.... " He took a deep inhale,"I just..misunderstood the situation and got mad i guess "

Error growled at himself,he wasn't really explaining the situation--but he couldn't let his emotions get the best of him,he already worried the shit out of his mom,he didn't want to upset her further.

Though he probably had.

The sound of the hospital clicking caught the attention of the two family members.A familiar 90's skeleton popped in,who was holding a bag followed by a golden wearing skeleton.

"Hey E" The 90s skeleton spoke.

Error sat up," Fresh? Dream? "

Error's mum sat up from her seat,"Oh you two must be Error's new friends! It's lovely to meet you both"

Dream awkwardly rubbed his arm while Error groaned in his teen voice, 'mooooooooooooooooooom'

The mum of Error,shook Fresh's hand with a gleeful smile.

"Uhh nice ta me you Ms Error" Fresh said.

"Oh darling no need to be formal" She added before going to Dream and shaking his hand,somewhat gushing about her own son.

"Dude,your mom is so sweet" Fresh turned to Error,who had his hands planting in his face.

"I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww " He groaned.

Fresh added,"To be honest, I imagined her bein' a punk or a biker gang member"

" I wish she was " Error sighed.

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