As I was making my way to the place where I had last seen Natsu and Lucy, I stopped. There was a presence on this Cube. Someone that I had longed to see since the Grand Magic Games, Rogue. I huge smile spread on my face before I schooled my features into the calm neutrality that I was so used to.

I teleported behind Sting and Rogue at the top of the Cube to see them standing in front of Mard Geer. I wasn't even surprised that Mard Geer had managed to escape the Celestial Spirit King. "Where's (Y/N)?" I heard Rogue ask, the anger clear in his voice.

I thought it was time to make my presence known. "No need to send out a search party. I'm right here," I said as I walked straight past them. As I passed Rogue, I glance at him and gave him a subtle smile. I stopped just in front of the duo.

I turned to face Mard Geer completely. I glanced at the book he was holding. "Thank you, Mard Geer, however, I think I'll take that book now," I said to him, holding my hand out for him to put the book on.

As usual, he remained calm. "And if I refuse?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Then I'll unleash these two on you". I gestured to the two boys behind me, who looked more than ready for a fight. I rolled my eyes. I added, "And I don't think they really know how to hold back".

"I afraid that just this once, I must refuse your request".

"Very well". I turned around to walk away. "He's all yours," I whispered to the boys as I walked past them.

"You're not joining us?" Sting asked.

"No, I replied, not even turning around. 'I'm going to have to wait for him to let go of that book,' I thought. That was the reason why I wasn't joining them in battle, I was on standby waiting to see if hed let go of that book. Plus there was the fact that my boyfriend and his best friend were facing off against one of my brother's strongest demons and I wanted to stick around to make sure they were alright.

It seemed that no matter what the boys did, they couldn't defeat Mard Geer. My plan was failing too. I was keeping an especially close eye on Mard Geer, but not only was he able to deflect the Twin Dragons again and again, but he kept the book close to him at all times.

It was clear that he was toying with them, and that only angered me even more. I took a deep breath to calm down. Showing my emotions to my enemies could be dangerous.

Shortly after, we heard a loud roar and we stopped. We all looked to the sky to see black wings coming towards us. Acnologia was on his way. "I was hoping this wouldn't happen," I said as I raised my arm to shield my face from the wind.

"You knew he was coming?" Sting asked, having to yell over the roar and the flapping of Acnologia's wings.

"It's called a feeling. He was attracted to the chaos that's happening on this very cube right now," I explained as I moved closer to them. "Either that or he's after me," I shrugged. They both turned to look at me when I said that. I gave them an innocent look before we all turned back to watch Acnologia.

"You know, sometimes I really hate being right all the time," I muttered. (A/N: Flash Reference)

I turned to the boys. "Allow me to introduce you to Acnologia". They had the sense to look scared, considering they both taunted Natsu for not being able to defeat the Black Dragon mere weeks before.

Suddenly, the boys dropped to the ground, clutching their chests in pain. I rushed over to them and kneeled next to them to see if they were alright. I looked up at Mard Geer, who was just standing there staring at us and strangely not using the situation to his advantage.

It took me a while, but eventually, I realized what was going on. "It's happening," I whispered. The dragons were returning.

"What's happening to us?" Sting asked, and I could tell he was talking to me.

"You guys are going to be ok," I reassured them. "I promise". Not an answer, but explaining would take too long and I wanted them to see for themselves.

Right after I said that I looked behind me to see a very familiar fire dragon shoot into the sky and head toward Acnologia. I small smile appeared on my face as I stared at my old friend. I turned back around to see Sting and Rogue already getting up, which meant the pain was gone and the dragons were out. We looked up to see Mard Geer gone.

I knew where he went. He went to see Igneel and Acnologia up close. I gave the boys a minute to catch their breath and regain their magic energy.

While we were resting, I heard Mard Geer speak to Kyôka telepathically. "I've decided to detonate the Faces sooner". I didn't even know there was more than one Face. "You're in the control room, yes?"

"Yes," she confirmed. "You should know Keyes and Seilah have been defeated". I smirked.

"Once the Faces have been activated, anyone can trigger the detonation, even you". My eyes widened. "The Lacrima should be in the centre of the control room. All you need to do is use body link to connect yourself with it".

"If I were to link my own curse power with the power of the faces, then I would die".

"So what? Are you afraid to die?"

I snapped out of it when I felt Rogue shaking me by the shoulders. "Are you Ok? You seemed kind of out of it, like you were in some sort of trance". I could tell he was worried.

"I'm fine". I gave him a weak smile, but he didn't look convinced.

My mind was swirling with thoughts of what I had just heard. 'This is bad, I have to do something'.

A/N: Soooo... this is going longer than expected... This has got to be the longest arc I've ever done, so I apologize. If my calculations are correct, there should only be... One more chapter? I'm just guessing, so I apologize if I'm wrong.

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