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A lean man with gelled back hair stood still, his arms crossed and grey eyes keenly looking at what was happening in an iron cage just few feet from him

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A lean man with gelled back hair stood still, his arms crossed and grey eyes keenly looking at what was happening in an iron cage just few feet from him. The white coat he was wearing was almost too clean for this sort of dimly lit environment. He watched as two soldiers held the young man with wide green eyes down, using force to keep him still. The man let out a gurgling sound, trying to break free from the soldiers firm hold. He was obviously too skinny to fight them, his hair was a mess and his skin had ghostly black and blue memories still visible from weeks of experimenting.

The veins in his neck were visible as he arched his back, his muscles tensing as his green eyes were once again filled with terrors that even the oldest of veterans couldn't comprehend.

The Project X's back arched as he suddebly froze, green orbs wide and boney fingers curled. The man in white coat stepped closer, waving the stoic soldiers to step further away from the British ex-soldier. The man watched thoughtfully, a frown pulling at his dark brows as his keen eyes never left the young, malnourished soldier paralyzed with the serum.

Suddenly the unmoving body shifted just slightly. Under the pale light, his green eyes seemed even colder and the sweat that covered him from head to toe glistened. The doctor watched keenly as the man's nails suddenly changed, morphing and growing longer. The man wailed, pain clouding all of his senses as he cried out for his mother whose face he barely remembers. For his father who had been declared dead after he had not returned from his battle near France. For his twin brother who was possibly heading to another bulletrain that would demand more lives.

The soldiers stayed unmoving as the man squirmed, shook and sobbed in white hot pain. They stayed stoic as the squirming soldiers ears grew longer and fur spurt from his face.

Suddenly his green eyes flew open and the arch in his back disappeared as he fell on his back with a loud thud, his limbs still tense.

The young soldiers eyes turned glassy, a small, relieved breath leaving his cracked lips as a lonely tear ran down his now dark furred face. Flashes of his childhood ran through his mind, a familiar laughter, the smell of his mothers Apple pie, his fathers rough words and the hot summer wind ruffling his air.

His body allowed the flashes through, letting the last pictures in his life be the ones of childhood.

The doctor shook his head, pursing his lips as he looked down at the white paper, feeling as frustrated as ever. He drew a long, black line over the name of Isaac Lawford.

Another failed experiment.

His bored eyes looked back up, blinking at the stoic soldiers. “izbavit'sya ot etogo” he told them, commanding then to get rid of the deformed body. They didn't say anything, didn't even flinch at the horrendous sight as they grabbed his cold hands and feet, going to throw him with all other failures.

“Sir? They have succeeded, they have a soldier.” an accented voice broke the silence.  The sound of pen scribbling against the paper stopped, the silence deafening.

Anger pulsed through the doctor, his eyes narrowing as he turned towards the German man behind him. The man was shorter, he had might features and striking eyes. He was young, and therefore, he was easily manipulated. “Ja? We need him, send out the best men for the job, also, we need the serum.” the Russian doctor said, walking away from the gruesome cells towards his office. “but sir, we can't

The doctor sighed as if the weight of the world resided on his boney shoulders. He pushes his glasses up his crooked nose, turning around to glare at the German soldier. “and dare to say why can you not do the one task I am giving you?! One simple job!” the young soldier was obviously uncomfortable as his eyes looked down on the hard, I'd floor.

“he is a super soldier, we can not seem to restrain him no matter how many men we send, sir. He is untouchable” the young man's voice didn't shook, it impressed the doctor, maybe the soldier wasn't as useless as he had thought.

“Get me the serum, then. Or can you not also do that? Is the liquid going to burn your delicate hands, boy?” his accent thickened as he glared down, hugging the russian experiment raports to his chest. “No sir, we will be able to get you the serum, our spies have been in their systems for months now.”

The doctor nodded and turned around marching down the dimly lit corridors. However, he halted before exiting the dungeon. The shadows falling over his face as he turned slightly towards the youthful soldier “Oh, and be sure to get as much information about the original soldier as possible, we need a... Familiar example of this fine specimen.” he said smugly before leaving the cold place, billion ideas already running through his mond as he scribbled them down, tearing off the paper with a long lost of names who now meant nothing, all failed, all gone.

Outside the hidden base, snow was gently falling over the grounds, hiding the nest of the monsters from all of those above the ground. Shielding the iron cages, locked doors and hostages of war.

They were out there now, blending in with the commoners, politicians, soldiers, children.

They were steadily growing, spreading the word, winning the war. But there was just a final last push they needed. Something that would burn the enemy, something that would allow HYDRA raise and show the world new era.

And all they needed was the army of supersoldiers. And the opportunity was seemingly presenting itself. All those failed experiments, piles of men and women, both young and old were useless now.

The doctor was eager to get his hands on the serum, oh he would awaken the strongest of soldiers the world has ever seen. He would own the strongest, unstobbale army of men without emotions, men who would only accept his orders.

Little the world know, the war was about to change.

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