"Definitely not," she sighed. "He did put his number in my phone though."

"There you go, now you can text him and tell him how much you love him." I tease.

"I hate you, so much."

"No you don't, you love me." I tell her. "Plus, you're kinda stuck with me."

"Very true," she sighs.

We pull into a parking spot in the apartment lot and I get Tripp out of his car seat. Ky leads the way to our apartment, holding the door open as I walk in. I immediately head down the hall to Tripp's room. I change his diaper and put him in a pajama onsie.

I lay him down in his crib and drape a few light blankets over him, tossing in a few pacifiers as well. I throw his dirty outfit into his hamper and the diaper in the trash. I shut the light off and leave the room, closing the door behind me. I grab the baby monitor and my Macbook from my room and walk into the living room.

I sit on the couch across from Kylie who is also on her laptop. I throw a blanket over myself and log onto my laptop, clicking on Skype once I am in. I send a text to my mom telling her that I am on, and it doesn't take long for her to reply.

Skype rung as my mom called, and I quickly answer to eliminate the chance of it waking up Tripp.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?"

"Good, how are you?"

"Good, hang on though, Harper and Jake want to say hi."

My two youngest siblings, Jake who was 7 and Harper who was 5, appear on the computer screen with big smiles.

"Hi Kenzie!" Harper skrieks.

"Hey girly, hey Jake!" I laugh. "Where's Addy?"

"Upstairs doing homework," Jake says, making a face as Harper gets really close to the screen.

"Tell her I say hi, okay?"

Both of them nod and then disappear, my mom appearing on the screen again.

"I can't get over how hyper they are."

"Me neither." She sighs.

"How's Landon?"

"He's good, Taylor's still on maternity leave with the baby."

"How is little Noah?" I ask.

"He's good, I can't believe he's going to be 2 months already."

"I know, me neither."

"Where's Ky? She's awfully quiet!"

"Right here!" Ky shouts, earning a kick from me for being loud.

"And how is my other daughter?"

"I'm fantastic, thank you!"

"Good to hear honey! I'll let you girl go, love you both!"

"Love you too!" We say. "Tell Dad I said hi!"

I hang up Skype as my mom does, and close my laptop. My phone buzzes in my lap, and I see a new message from a number I don't recognize.

From: Unknown
Hey Mackenzie, it's Tyler (:

I smile and quickly add his contact into my phone.

To: Tyler
Hey (: What are you up to?

From: Tyler
Nothing really, just playing xbox with Jamie, Jordie, and Val.

To: Tyler
Sounds fun (: I'm just on my laptop right now since Tripp is asleep.

From: Tyler
Enjoying the quiet I take it?

To: Tyler
Yeah, he's been cranky lately.

From: Tyler
I gotta go, Val is threatening to take my phone if I don't stop pausing the game to text you, Night (:

To: Tyler
Night (:

I place my phone on the coffee table and catch Kylie's smirk.

"What are you smirking about?" I ask.

"You were totally just texting Tyler."

"Maybe, maybe not."

"You are such a terrible liar." She laughs, shutting her laptop.

I shrug and get up from the couch. Kylie does the same and helps me fold the blankets. We shut the lights off in the house and make sure all the doors are locked before heading down the hallway to our rooms.

I plug my laptop and phone in, changing into a pair of sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I place the baby monitor on my bedside table and climb into bed.

"Night Ky!" I say, loud enough for her to hear me, but not loud enough to wake Tripp up.

"Night Kenz!"

Change In Play // Tyler Seguin & Jamie BennDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora