<< 53 >>

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- chapter contains swearing -

richie walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, quietly singing to the song "keep on running", which was on the playlist he listens to when he has a shower, or just when he listens to music (which is a lot)

"keep on running, keep on hiding.
one fine day i'm gonna be the one
to make you understand. oh, yeah, i'm gonna be your man."

he smiled at the fact that he was gonna see eddie, despite just seeing him a few days ago.

he dried himself off before changing into a queen hoodie and ripped black jeans.

he tried to tame his raven colored curls, eventually giving up and just putting on a black beanie.


he finished getting ready, trying to look his best before walking downstairs.

he saw his mom and dad at the table in the dining room, maggie making breakfast and wentworth drinking his coffee.

"i'm going out" richie said. maggie turned around to look at her son. "but i just made breakfast, can't you just eat and then go with your friends?" maggie asked. wentworth got up from his seat and stood beside his wife, looking down at the pan with eggs in it. "darling, are you sure that's edible? it doesn't smell too good and it definitely doesn't look to good." he said with a light smile and he chuckled afterwards. "i put my heart and soul into this breakfast and i'd appreciate if you'd eat it without judging my cooking." maggie said to wentworth. "this is why i always cook," he said before kissing her cheek. she rolled her eyes before laughing.

maggie turned back to her son, who had been standing there awkwardly while his parents talked about how maggie can't cook too well. "hon, why are you wearing a sweater? it's the middle of summer." maggie said with a soft smile. richie shrugged before answering. "it's just my favorite hoodie."

"aren't you gonna at least have some cereal? because somebody," maggie glared at wentworth "is judging me for my cooking." maggie finished. "i didn't do anything" wentworth said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"actually, bill, beverly and i were thinking of going to a cafe for breakfast." richie said as he began tying the laces on his black converse. "oh, okay! have fun, but not too much fun." maggie winked and laughed, along with richie chuckling. richie hugged his mom and dad. "see you later." richie said "bye!" maggie said, "i love you! be safe!" maggie said to richie. "love you too!" he shouted before closing the door. he hopped on his bike and started riding to the cafe.


richie was riding his bike, remembering that he doesn't even know where the cafe is.


he whispered to himself. he began looking around for a place to stop his bike before spotting a tall tree about twenty-seven feet ahead of him.

he rode towards the tree, but before he could make it there he went over a rock, which made him fall off his bike.

"ow, fuck!" richie said when he hit the road, his bike falling on top of him.

"great way to start off the day, tozier"

he thought.

he laid on the road for a little longer until he remembered he was gonna see eddie again. a smiled crept onto his face, the pain from falling didn't disappear, but the thought of the small asthmatic boy could make him smile any day.

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