"There's two more here," she whispers. New mouths a thank you and began to search around. Lexy stares at one of the bottom cabinets near the sink. New didn't see her stare and just starts opening the biggest cabinets. One of the cabinets made one of the girls squeal. The bright light shine on her pretty face, making her flinch.

"Miss Kai, please follow me," New smiles, helping her out of the cabinet. Kai looks around the room only to see Lexy. She groans as she wasn't the top players. New follows Kai's gaze around the room and notice one of the cabinets are ajar.

V was peeking out to see if New was gone but she got caught and made eye contact with the host. She closes the cabinet door quickly and quietly, praying he didn't see her. Bad luck was on her side and the cabinet was open, revealing her, squish between the cabinets.

"Miss V, please follow me," New says, helping V out of the cabinets. The 3 girls were annoyed for being the first to be out. New heads out the kitchen with the females following him like little ducklings following their mother. New heads to the dining room. He makes his footsteps heavy to see if anyone would flinch in the room.

He looks around the room and spots feet below the curtains. He chuckles.

"Ah the classic," he mumbles and stood near the curtains. He traces his hands lightly around the curtains. An idea came up in his head and he traces his finger on one of the bodies behind the curtains. His finger traces down the body's chest. The girls watch intensely at what's happening. New moves his finger over to the body's right chest and circles around the body's nipples.

Rei looks over at a blushing Jacky. Rei knows the host was right there in front of Jacky. Jacky was blushing and biting his lips, knowing he was already out. He looks over at Rei and nods for him to run for it. He was okay with Rei winning as long as Rei choses him to share the room with. Rei mouths a sorry and as quick as he can, pushes the curtain and ran out of the dining room.

New spots Rei and shook his head as he watches him run out. He moves the curtain over and stares at the blushing Jacky.

"Mister Jacky please follow us," New says. Jacky nods, trying to distract his mind about something else. He couldn't stare at New properly, questioning why New would touch him like that.

"I think that was sexual assault," Jacky mumbles, staring at the ground. New moves away and out of the room, forgetting about two people. V notices Jacky discomfort.

"You okay," V asks. Jacky looks up at her.

"Ah yes I'm fine," Jacky smiles. "Thank you."

"I'm sure it was him messing around. New seems to be a jokester type of guy," Lexy butts in, trying to make Jacky comfortable again. Jacky was relax now and nods.

"Yes I figured with this childish game," Jacky chuckles. They 4 people group follows New into the game room.

New walks around the room, scanning the place. He went to the bar side and walk behind the counter to get himself a drink. Casey and Liana saw New's legs and held their breath.

"Would you four like a drink," New asks. Jacky and Kai shook their head while V and Lexy nods. New turns around to pour water into two cups. As he turns around to hand one cup to Lexy. His eyes spots someone behind the door.

"Care to join us Mister Angelo?" New smiles. Angelo smiles back and walks over to the table. He wasn't that serious about the game. Jacky looks over to Angelo, amazed by his tattoos.

"How'd you get all those tattoos," Jacky asked. Angelo chuckles at the question and rubs his arm. New got the V and Angelo their cup.

"They look pretty scary," Kai says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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