Mine (Part 2)

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"You want a wolf, son?" Mr. Sompob looked at his son with disappointment.

"That came out wrong. Forgive me, I am nervous. I did not mean that I want him although I do want him. It's more like I need him." Off tried to explain his feelings to his parents who just shook their heads in reply.

Off stood near the window of his parents room, looking outside. His parents were both seated at the edge of the bed facing him. His announcement about getting a mate for himself had shook his parents to the core. They had immediately demanded to know the reason and Off had till now failed to express his feelings. 

"An omega is not someone you would get just by wanting or needing them. They are too independent to be caged by an alpha's ego. So think carefully son. Is it your ego that's taunting you to have the omega or your heart?" Mrs. Dararat Adulkittiporn no doubt loved her son but she was a fierce omega. She would not let even her only son disrespect any omega or even a beta or an alpha for that matter. She had a sense of righteousness and self-dependence that Off really admired.

"You misunderstand me, mother and all for good reasons." Off smiled, "Honestly, I thought so too when I first felt it. But as days went by, I was pretty sure."

Off turned towards his parents. He had a rare smile adorning his face. His parents shared a look. Off had lost that pure and innocent smile of his as he had grown up. They could now relive that beautiful moment only through the albums of memories. Seeing that particular smile, they knew that this was not a simple infatuation. And to think, their son had only seen the omega for only a few minutes. Lord only knew what would happen if he was to spend his whole life with the omega.

Off slowly moved towards his parents then kneeled down in front of them. He held his mother's tender hands firmly in his own. He smiled up at her then turned towards his father.

"I am not very good with words but you both know that I love you right?"

The parents just nodded. Off rarely expressed how much he loved them. So it was natural for them to be surprised.

Off continued, "I always follow my heart. It has never led me wrong. At times, I was stupid but I never regretted it. Now, my heart is going wild and I don't understand why! I have trouble going to sleep because I see his beautiful eyes when I try to close my own. And whenever I'm not paying heed, his voice seems to slither into my mind. It hurts and it's not just physical. Like my brain hurts and my heart hurts and everything hurts but.... I like it? How do I explain? It's like I want him near but since he's not here, I have to suffice with his memories. And that is just a mere five minutes worth of conversation or should I call it fight? Well, those five minutes keep on revisiting me and that's what keeps me going. I wanted to sail after him but my responsibilities held me. And then I waited for your permission. But I don't think I can take it anymore. I need to see him. Dear father and mother, won't you bless me?"

Off's eyes portrayed conflict in them. His emotions were there but unclear. His heart knew what it was but his mind was a fool. He had to sort out the mess that he found himself in. But to do that, his heart insisted that he saw that angelic face again.

"We do bless you Jumpol." His father spoke up. He smiled fondly and placed his right hand lovingly over Off's head.

"Yes", His mother smiled as she held his hand more tightly, "but you need time."

Off's heart contracted. He had waited too long. A little longer and he felt like he would die.

"But mother-"

"She is right. Your emotions are all over the place. You will scare your omega away before you even have him." Mr. Sompob chuckled when Off seemed to protest.

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