Act 4: New Beginnings

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     "Come on, Everyone!" Yukio calls, prancing down the hall.
     "W-what?! Where are we going?!" Kazuki shouts chasing after him. his high heels clicked as he ran, and he went surprisingly fast. He seemed to have his old personality back without Azazel, too.

     Yukio ran down the hall, spinning around a few times and humming all the way. It was like Silver had never resurfaced and killed Azazel. After the ordeal, he just smiled happily and went about his ways, completely silent about any of the previous events.

     "How can he just act like nothing happened?" Marie says to Lilia. "I mean, he killed a greatly feared demon with just a look!"
     "The dudes' got class," Blade says, laughing. "That's the level of troll I wish to be at!"

     Lilia says nothing. She's much too busy thinking about everything that had happened and making her own theories. (She often did this, as everything was very interesting to her).

What if Yui really can't remember after Silver comes up? Maybe Silver was a completely different person! It could be why he has two-colored eyes- one for Silver and one for Yukio.
His eyes are split, just like his personality. That's it.
And what about Kazuki having the same thing? What if Kazuki and Yui are connected because they were partners when Yukio was Silver?
Damn, this is complicated...

Is that an explosion?!

     Lilia glances behind her fearfully as a giant wall of fire chases after them. Its heat is nearly unbearable, making her run a lot faster.

     "Hey! What's with the fire?!" Blade shouts, seeing it too.
     "Oh, they had a self-destruct mechanism in the lowest floor. The activator was on Azazel's necklace!" Yukio chimes, still humming.

Yukio must act like that to keep calm, and make others calm, too. It's an effective strategy- but it can be dangerous if no one picks it up.

     Marie smiles at the thought. Yukio really was smart. He just acted like an idiot sometimes. He was actually a troll, wasn't he?

     Yukio leads everyone out safely through a hole in the wall; it turns out that they were doing 'renovations', according to Kazuki, but it was actually because a giant got loose and ransacked the place.
     The group watches as the castle burns away, fire licking the now pink sky. 

     "The first sun has already set," Marie says. "We should find a place to rest."
     "You're kidding. This place has gotta be filled  with crazy creatures!"
     "We can find a cave or something-"
     "But wait, there's more! We don't have any  weapons besides ourselves!" Blade rants, making very rapid hand movements.

     "Mo don't think it's a problem, because Fuzzy can kick serious booty!" Mo shouts, sitting atop Yukio's shoulder. Yukio just smiles.
     "Yeah, but what happens if Booty-kickatron 1000 gets eaten  by a freakin' BEAST?!" Blade shouts. He sits on the ground, pouting.

     "Oh, no worries. If anything gets hungry, we'll just give it Mo," Yukio says. He smiles at Mo, which gives the imp a serious chill.
     "What?! You can't feed Mo to a monster! I'm not tasty! I'm blue! At least, that's what Ugly said."
     "Who the hell is ugly?" Blade asks.
     "YOU!" Lilia snaps.
     Blade looks very offended.
     "And Azazel. He was very ugly. And his breath smelled worse than the dungeon!" Mo cries, making a disgusted face.

     "I'm sorry," Yukio says, gazing into the flames.
     "Aw, for what, Yui?" Lilia asks, putting a hand on his shoulder.
     Yukio just ruffles his eyebrows, as if thinking. He smiles.

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