Chapter 5

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Before you knew it, the week was over, and you were standing in the airport saying goodbye to the boys as they leave for Tennessee. You walked as far as you could, wheeling Danny's suitcase behind you. Danny walked ahead of you, Y/D/N's arms wrapped around his neck. You stopped walking as you neared the security line. The rest of the guys went ahead and began removing their shoes and emptying their pockets, having said their goodbyes to you already.

"I'm going to miss you." You pouted.

"I'm only going to be gone for three months." Danny chuckled.

"Okay, but you're used to leaving all the time. I'm not used to this yet." You sighed, looking up at him.

"I know. This is the first time I'm leaving someone behind. So, this is the whole new experience for me too." Danny admitted.

"Don't find some other girl in California while you're out there." You half-joked.

"I wouldn't dream of it. You try not to find another man while I'm gone." Danny joked back.

"Trust me, that wouldn't happen if I tried. No one wants to date a 20-year-old single mother."

"Hey, I do." Danny smiled.

"Well, you're the exception." You laughed.

"I know. I'm exceptional." Danny chuckled, repositioning your daughter. "And you." He bounced Y/D/N in his arms. "Try not to grow up too much while I'm gone." He leaned over and pretended to munch on her hair, which resulted in loud laughs from the tiny child.

"I can't promise anything. For a toddler, three months is like a lifetime." You sighed, thinking about how much Y/D/N has grown in just the last few months.

Danny wrapped his free arm around you, enveloping you in a tight hug. "Well, I expect updates if anything drastic happens while I'm away."

"Danny, come on. We're going to miss our flight." Josh yelled as the boys got in line.

"That's my cue." Danny murmured, leaning down to kiss you. "Alright, big girl, it's time to go to your mother." You attempted to take your daughter from Danny, but she buried her face in his neck and clung closer to his chest.

"Come on, baby girl. Danny has to go. He'll be back soon, though." You pried her tiny hands away from his neck and took her in your arms. Once Danny had completely let go of her, the piercing cries started.

"No." Your daughter cried, reaching her hand out towards Danny. It broke your heart to see your daughter this upset, and you can tell it hurt Danny too.

"I'll let you know when we land." Danny leaned down, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before grabbing his carry on and making his way over to catch up with the guys.

You stood there for a moment and watched as the boys made their way through security and out of sight. Eventually, you walked out to your car, situating your daughter in her car seat. Her screams had quieted, but a few stray tears still lingered behind. You took your spot in the driver's seat and sighed. The plane didn't even take off yet, and you already missed Danny.

You grabbed your phone and opened your pictures tapping on the most recent one. You admired it for a moment. The image was of Danny walking through the airport holding your daughter. You randomly decided to snap it as you trailed behind them and saw the way your daughter rested her head on his shoulder. For some reason, you decided to post the picture to Instagram. You opened the app and clicked the small camera on the upper left-hand side. Pulling up the image, you threw a black and white filter over it before typing out a caption. 'Already missing you @danny_gvf' you tagged him in the story. Seconds later, your phone buzzed in your hands. You weren't surprised to see Danny already texting you.

"We just boarded, and I feel awful. I didn't know Y/D/N would react like that. Maybe You should have carried her through the airport." The message read.

"No, it's okay. She needs to get used to other people holding her. I'm just glad she likes you as much as she does." You sent the message glancing back at your daughter through the rearview mirror. She was already asleep; her head slumped against the side of her car seat.

"She actually fell asleep in the car already." You double texted.

"It still doesn't make it any easier." Danny wrote. "By the way, when did you take that picture of me?" A second message popped up.

"When I stopped to readjust the bags." You responded.

"Well, thank you. I needed a new phone background." You couldn't help but smile to yourself. All this time, you thought no one would ever want to date you because you were a 20-year old single mother. But little did you know your person was right in front of you the whole time.

"I'm sorry they just announced that we're taking off. I'll text you when we land." Danny messaged.

You sat there for a moment, staring out at the airport, watching the boy's plane depart and eventually disappear into the sky.

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