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i get out of bed and wander around yunho's room.
"umm yunho? do you maybe have some clothes i could borrow?" i ask him because well frankly i don't want to wear my clothes from yesterday, especially after what happened with yoonoh.
"yeah i'm pretty sure i do, but i'll ask the other members because to be honest i'm like twice your size and you would drown in my clothes. let me go ask hongjoong if he has anything". he explains and to be honest i get offended.
i'm not that tiny you know. it's just that yunho is a giant.
"here." yunho says as he throws me a lilac hoodie and some jeans.
i change into them, not really caring that yunho sees me.
after all he did already see me in just my underwear.
"damn why do these men's jeans make my ass look even thiccer than it is?"
" that's because they're women's jeans. hongjoong wears women's jeans."
"bitch what kind of sorcery?" i shout.
after staring at my behind for a good five minutes because that's just how good my booty looks in these jeans, i walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast.
i see a tiny guy standing there drinking water. he's cute by why is he so small?
"oh hey! i'm hongjoong, i'm guessing you're youngmi?" the fella asks me.
"yes i am indeed. and you said you're hongjoong? that means i'm wearing your clothes right now. just so you know, you're not getting these jeans back. i mean have you seen how good my bum looks in these?" i exclaim.
"damn okay. why does my ass never look good in any pants?" he says.
"maybe you just have a flat ass. but it's fine, we can't all have that cake ya know."
i reply, clearly dissing him and his non-existent pancake booty.
"anyways, do you have anything i could make breakfast with here?"
"uh yeah i think we have eggs and toast but that's about it." the small guy says.
"that's perfect. i mean do i loon like someone who knows to make anything other than eggs and toast. didn't think so."
hongjoong looks at me with a disgusted face.
"bitch tf u looking at?" i tell him.
"okay girl calm your darn tits." he shouts.
maybe hongjoong was being too loud or sum shit but all of a sudden the kitchen is packed with gorgeous men. one of them really stand out to me.
"omg mingi oppar?! onion haseo!! sarengheeo oppar neomu charsengessoyo!!" i shout directly in his face making him mortified.
"yunho is your girlfriend okay? should we call an ambulance?" mingi oppar asks yunho, clearly worried and scared.
"no i don't think so. she's a crackhead, don't mind her. she'll fit just perfectly in with our group." yunho says with a smile.
oh how pretty his smile is.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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