A Cold Invitation Refused

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Warming Hearts

A/N: This is one of my favorite scenes that I have written for this story. So let's get on with Chapter 8! Roll it!

Chapter 8

A Cold Invitation Refused

Meanwhile, back at the castle near Lake Acuity, the news of Ash's arrival had the whole castle bursting with excitement and hope. The kitchen was alive and crowded as dinner preparations were underway.

"Zoey! Zoey!" Mara Joan the Bellossom called out to her cousin who was below her as she danced across one of the empty shelves. "There's a boy in the castle!" She squealed.

"Yes, MJ." Zoey said with a smile, her ruby eyes glinting with hope. "We know."

But her little cousin was still hopping around giddily as she grabbed a nearby tea set and placed it on a tea cart, the cups clattering around a little bit. "What kind of warm drink does he like? Tea, cider or hot cocoa? And what type of cookies? Chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, sugar. I'm just so excited!"

"Careful, MJ." Zoey cautioned her as she came over, took her in her paws and then placed her on her back. "You might chip one of the cups." She took the tea pot in her mouth and then, with the help of a Psychic from a Mismagius, filled it with some hot cocoa, since she didn't know if the boy liked tea. But at least it was something.

"Heads up, Zoey!" Leona said to her, tossing her a plate full of chocolate chip cookies, fresh from the oven. Zoey caught it with the top of her spring-like tail and carefully placed it on the tray.


Upstairs, in the dining hall, the beast had entered, her loud footsteps being the only thing heard other than the crackling fire in the fireplace. The thoughts of today got her in an unhappy mood. Well, more unhappy than usual.

What was she thinking? Believing in a false hope for even one moment that the boy who gave up his freedom for his mother's without a second thought about himself was the one who could free her from her curse. It was foolish enough as it is.

She made her way to her usual spot at the very end and sat down. Then, she noticed that at the other side of the table, there was another place setting prepared. Her blood boiled as she threw the plates and silverware off the table. She knew who that end was set up for, and who planned it.

"Leona!" She shouted angrily, which was loud enough to be heard from the kitchen downstairs, making the servants down there flinch.

Kenny looked over at the servant in question, worried. The Swinub just rubbed the tufts of fur on her head against his feathery belly in an attempt to try and reassure him, though it did little to settle her own nerves.

"Calm down." She said. "Let me do the talking."

The beast then burst into the kitchen. "You're making him dinner?" She demanded.

"We thought you might appreciate the company." Leona said nervously.

"Mistress, I just want to say that I had no part in this hopeless plan." Kenny broke in, wanting to stay on her good side. "Preparing dinner, designing an outfit for him, giving him a suite in the east wing."

"You gave him a bedroom?!" The beast asked, infuriated that the prisoner was not in his cell.

"Uh, yes." Leona admitted. "But if this boy is the one who can help break the spell, then maybe you can start getting to know him by using a nice dinner to charm him. They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Warming HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora