Chapter 69: Perth, Saint, AJ

Start from the beginning

Saint did so and was pleasantly surprised that it tasted good after all.

"You were right, Perth," he said with a smile, "this drink is good."

Perth nodded happily as he picked up his fork, "And now let's enjoy our dinner. I'm grateful to the sous chef for serving Thai food tonight."

Saint picked up his fork as well and as he did so, the same guy who passed by their table earlier, passed by it again and glanced at Saint and Perth and made a little secret wave at Saint while smiling at him. Saint secretly smiled back, not wanting Perth to notice just in case he took an issue about it.

As their dinner was winding down, Perth asked Saint if he wanted to do anything or go anywhere.

"Why don't we just listen to some music out there in the open deck," Saint suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Perth agreed.

They left the dining hall together, with Perth taking Saint by the hand again. They passed the table where the guy who had smiled at him was seated with a couple who appeared to be his parents.

The guy looked pointedly at Saint's hand being held by Perth and had a quiet but questioning look on his face.

Saint quickly withdrew his hand and Perth looked at Saint in surprise but did not say a word of protest, however Perth could not hide his disappointment.

Perth reached the door leading to the open deck first and held it open for Saint.

"Thank you," said Saint, walking through the door and sliding his hand into his pocket to take out his phone and ear pieces.

"Before we listen to music, let's walk over to the railing and enjoy the sea breeze against our faces," Perth suggested, taking Saint by the hand again.

Saint was starting to resent the fact that Perth was always making decisions for him but he did as Perth suggested.

Saint lifted his face upward and breathed in the sea air. It felt good and healthy and once more he realized that Perth's suggestions always turned out good.

He felt Perth move closer to him and place his arm across his shoulder. Perth's closeness made Saint feel warm and protected from the cold night air. Again he started to appreciate Perth's thoughtfulness and care.

Saint sighed.

"What was that sigh for?" Perth asked, feeling curious. He wanted to know whether it was a sigh of contentment or a sigh or boredom.

Saint just smiled and did not say anything. He did not want Perth to know that he sighed because he would have wanted to get to know that attractive looking young guy in the dining hall but it seemed that there was no chance of that happening tonight. Maybe another day, Saint thought.

Saint and Perth continued to lean against the railing, looking out into the dark horizon and listening to the waves rhythmically lapping against the side of the ship.

"The stars are visible tonight," Perth remarked, turning his face upward to the sky.

Saint did the same and suddenly Perth kissed him on his cheek.

Saint covered his cheek in surprise, feeling his neck and ears get warm.

"I'm sorry, I could not resist it," Perth said with a catch to his voice.

"I'm not complaining," Saint said with a smile, suddenly feeling a desire for Perth to take him in his arms and kiss him once more but this time on the lips, but he was too shy to let Perth know.

After a while, Perth took Saint's hand again.

"Would you like to sit over by one of those benches to listen to some music now?" he asked Saint.

Saint appreciated how, this time Perth did not tell him what to do but asked him if he wanted to listen to some music. He was letting Saint make the choice, the decision, and Saint approved of that.

"Yes, let's do that," Saint agreed.

Together he and Perth walked over to the bench at the farthest end of the open deck and sat down on it.

"What kind of music would you like to listen to?" Saint asked, handing Perth one end of the ear piece.

"Whatever you like is fine with me," Perth replied.

Saint made several taps on his phone screen as Perth inserted one end of the ear piece into his ear.

In a few seconds, Perth heard the soothing strain of guitar music. It sounded very romantic. He was starting to enjoy it.

He moved closer to Saint and held Saint's hand once more.

To his great surprise, a teardrop fell on the back of Perth's hand.

He looked at Saint in utter surprise.

What the hell, Saint was crying.

Unknown to Perth, the music had evoked memories of a lost love for Saint, a lost love that would never return again.

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