Ryan's Unsettlement

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(A/N: my first one for this book is of a friendship- Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara, based on a plot by ideasrp on Instagram and the song Uncomfortable by Wallows. Word count: 1,132 words. Enjoy ~3~)

"Hey Ryan, look what I've got!" Shane yelled as he walked through the front door, laughter threatening to spill from his lips. This caused Ryan to look up from the book he was reading that contained an array of unsolved crimes and mysteries that he was DYING to know about for future reference. "What is it?" Ryan asked, curiosity laced in his facial expression. Shane tried his best to keep from laughing as he pulled the box out of the bag he had in his hand from behind his back, soon pulling out the box from the bag of which contained an Ouija board.

Ryan's eyes flickered from showing confusion, then horror and then absolutely nothing, hoping that Shane didn't notice the horror that he expressed just a moment ago. Shane did in fact notice, and decided to comment on it. "What was that all about?" he asked, looking at Ryan. Ryan, in turn, stood up after putting the bookmark in his book and sitting it down before standing up and glaring at Shane although he had nothing on him because of his height. At least, that's what most people thought.

"Shane, you know how much I hate those..." He trailed off, his heart racing at the thought. Ryan clearly didn't feel comfortable with the idea of using one, let alone in their house. Something about it just caused an unsettled feeling in the pit of his stomach and a tight feeling in his chest, causing a surge of anxiety so great that it caused him a case of nausea. Shane thought for a moment before responding. "Well, yes I do know. You're my best friend, Ryan." he responded.

"Why did you get it then, Shane? You know it causes me discomfort." Ryan managed to speak up, looking up at Shane. This response caused Shane to become speechless,which wasn't something that happened often. Since Ryan didn't get a response, he sighed and went to his room, grabbing his book. Once he did, he closed the door behind him and sat against it, pulling his knees to his chest. Sure, he'd used them in the past but unwillingly. He thought back to when he was seventeen, which was when he had an experience that drove him to believe in the paranormal. Ever since then, he was never the same. If Ryan hadn't gone to the Queen Mary with his friends that night, he would be very much like Shane, a non-believer in the spiritual realm.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down from what just happened. He had to get out of the situation before he did something he'd regret completely. The last thing he wanted to do was something that could possibly hurt Shane's feelings because he was definitely not the type of person to do that kind of thing on purpose, although he felt like what he'd said earlier on but he figured it could be much worse than he had initially thought.

After a while, Shane eventually came to his door and gently knocked on it. "Hey Ryan?" Shane asked, hoping to get a response. Ryan took a few moments to respond, but he did eventually respond. "Yes, Shane?" he responded and shifted a little bit, hoping everything was going to be okay. "I um... I took the thing back and I wanted to know if you're okay.." Shane said softly, equally hoping that everything was going to be okay. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit upset still." Ryan responded. "I know, and I'm sorry." Shane replied, sadness laced in his voice and Ryen could practically sense the frown on his face. He knew him that well. "It's okay, I overreacted. I don't like those things though, They make me rather uncomfortable." Ryan said as he stood up, soon opening the door.

Shane looks at Ryan, the frown still present on his face just as Ryan had suspected its appearance earlier. "Shane, I promise I'm fine, just upset." he sighed. Shane nodded "If you want to tell me why they make me upset, you can.." he said softly, prepared to listen to why they make Ryan so upset. Ryan nodded and took a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak, but the sound died in his throat the first time. He tried again, proving to be successful. "The reason why they make me upset is because they bring back bad memories and I just really don't like them in general, they actually scare me." he says softly with a frown. Shane then hugged Ryan "I'm sorry." he said softly, not expecting Ryan to hug back but much to his surprise, he did. "It's okay, you didn't know about it.." Ryan trailed off. The older male nodded "But I still feel bad.. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Shane sighed.

Ryan just hugged him tighter, feeling like he might've fucked everything up by reacting like he did. Shane practically sensed this, as he'd known Ryan for several years now. "You didn't mess anything up, I promise Ryan. You told me how you felt about the situation. It's my fault for not asking if it'd be okay to get one because I know you don't like them, and I'm sorry that I didn't take your feelings of the subject into consideration before I did it. If anyone fucked up, it was me. I'm sorry." Shane apologized, knowing that sometimes words just don't cut it. Ryan looks up at Shane in response to this. "It's okay, I didn't explain why earlier on, it's more my fault than anyone else's." Ryan sighed. Shane pulled back enough to look at Ryan properly, but didn't pull back enough to break the hug. "No, it's my fault. I didn't ask and I didn't really care at that point in time. I was being stupid, and it's my fault. I truly am sorry."

Ryan sighed a little bit, not really wanting to argue. "Well, it's both of our fault. I didn't explain and you didn't really want to know either at the time. I'm glad you could at least realize your mistake and own up to it." he said gently, giving a sad smile. Shane just nodded in agreement. "Yes, I'm really sorry." Shane said in a soft tone, soon pulling away from the embrace. "It's okay." Ryan responded and walked over to his bed, sitting his book down on it after picking the book up off the floor. He then walked over to Shane again, whom looked very pensive at the moment. Shane then looked at Ryan, smiling a little bit. "Do you want to maybe uh... go make spaghetti with me?" he asked Ryan, looking and sounding hopeful. Ryan smiled at him and nodded "Yeah, that sounds good to me." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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